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Member since ‎02-12-2010

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Hi,     I am struggling to create a regex in CMS in the LDAP mappings in order to replace in the sAMAccountName uppercase by lowercase to create the jid as we realized the CMS is case sensitive for this jid. Has anyone any clue on how should this wor...
Hello,     I was wondering is CMS is working like CUCM in regards to updates so it is checking the checksum of the file and validating the Cisco signature to ensure that the upgrade file's integrity is OK and it is from the official repository. BR
Hello,      I am trying to set up the eMail invitation for the scheduler, I have followed the customization guidelines with local branding and although the email templates appear when you click on the envelope once a meeting is created, the mail auto...
Hi,     Is there any way to configure the CMS so only members can join the coSpaces created by the users? I have seen this is possible for the coSpaces imported from LDAP and that you can perform a bulk to configure this parameter in all the existing...
Hello,     Today, if a user creates or in invited to a group chat (not to the persistant one) and the user (Windows or mobile client) logs out, the user automatically leaves the chat and cannot enter again to the group chat by himself. Is there any w...