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Member since ‎06-07-2005

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Hello. We've got a new customer with a UC320W appliance. Old technician didn't leave them the old username/password credential. We don't want to reset to factory default and then reconfigure everything from scratch (customer is a lawyers office and t...
Hello. We've got a new customer with a UC320W appliance. Old technician didn't leave them the old username/password credential. We don't want to reset to factory default and then reconfigure everything from scratch (customer is a lawyers office and t...
Hello. I'm facing an annoying problem. I'm trying to use a machine certificate to authenticate anyconnect to an asa. All works properly if end user is an administrator. If I try to connect with a non-administrator user, it fails to use the certificat...
Hello.I've this problem.Our core switch is a double 6509e with sup2T configured as VSS.We have configured 2 monitor sessions to two ntop (to graph network bw use); now we need another SPAN monitor session to a snort machine (ids), but limit is 2 span...
Hello.Someone can explain me what is "system auxiliary power mode"?I've searched on documentation but I didn't find it.I don't think that is redundancy, because from "show power redundancy-mode" command I can see:cat6513#sh power redundancy-mode syst...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-07-2005 06:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-12-2024 12:48 AM
Posts 228
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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