Charlie Jones
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Level 1
Member since ‎01-08-2013

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  • 79 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 14 Helpful votes Given
  • 23 Helpful votes Received
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We are in the process of migrating our N+1 5520 envirnment to 9800 N+1 environment.  Both WLC's are in the same datacenter.   With the 5520's we used the N+1 design so that we could test OS upgrades before deploying, and it gave us another WLC if we ...
I am running DNAC in a three-node cluster, non-SDA.  My wireless network is based on 5520's and 2800 AP's.   Are there any benefits for adding coverage areas and location regions to my wireless maps?  We also have Cisco Spaces as a repl...
I am going to be upgrading the IOS on my 9300 switches due to a bug with IOS 17.6.5 and DNAC.   I would like to enable Perpetual and Fast POE on my 9300's now.  My question is will those features be enabled after the switch upgrade?  The documentatio...
We are going to be replacing the switches at multiple offices this year, and wanted to see if there are any best practices for branch office designs. Today, we have a two-tier topology at every office with a pair of 3850's acting as the cores.  We th...
When using ISE for TACACS, is there any benefit for creating an entry for each network device?  Today,  each of our sites are represented with three groups in ISE:  LOC_RTR, LOC_SW, and LOC_AP.  We manage our routers from their loopback interfaces, o...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-08-2013 10:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-28-2024 07:18 AM
Posts 79
Total Helpful Votes Received 23