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Member since ‎07-27-2006

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upgraded from 2.0 to 3.0(1c) and now I cannot log into the Web UI for CICM on my C220M3.  I enter the username and password and everything thing looks like it is going to log me in, but then it resets back to the default user/pass screen.  The user a...
Globalized the dial plan, but when the call goes out the PRI I lose the + when the call goes out the PRI.  I know the + is not supported on PRI, but I'm trying to figure how to stop the updating of the caller ID when the call leaves CUCM.  I've had t...
Globalized the dial plan, but when the call goes out the PRI I lose the + when the call goes out the PRI.  I know the + is not supported on PRI, but I'm trying to figure how to stop the updating of the caller ID when the call leaves CUCM.  I've had t...
I have a need to allow remote SIP devices access to the enterprise Communications Manger.  The thought was to have the devices register to CME in a DMZ and then do a SIP trunk from CME to the CUCM cluster.Rules of engagement:  1) Remote devices will ...
What roles are required for the Unity Connection user for the VCS Expressway-C configuration?  I'm assuming Cisco wants the service account to have system administrator, but I would prefer not to do that for obvious reasons.  Haven't been able to fin...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-27-2006 09:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 154
Total Helpful Votes Received 33
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