An interesting thing is occuring here. We have about 30 switches attached into a Pair of Nexus 3172 switches running Nexus Data Broker with a Ubuntu controller. Out of the 30 switches we have connected, Data Broker has decided to add two switches r...
This is the second 3750x that we've had this problem with. One is running 15.0(1)SE2 and the other is running 12.2(55)SE3. 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 712000 bits/sec, 184 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 b...
I have a switch where the current power threshold is set to -20.0db. The problem is that the receive power fluctuates between -19.9db to -20.1db, which is causing it to throw alarms on my solarwinds monitoring server. What I would like to do is cha...
Thought I should mention that the devices connected are actually not working, as they can't get a DHCP address (likely due to the problem with the port). Moving to a different port on the same switch allows the client to function properly.