I am running an upgrade from UCCE 9.0(3) to 11.6.
For migration HDS and Logger databases from version 9 to 11 with EDMT (via version 10.5) I tried to use advice from https://supportforums.cisco.com/t5/contact-center/ucce-v9-to-v1...
We need to remove around 650 disabled agents from different teams.Is there a way to do it using either the Bulk Configuration from Configuration Manager or directly delete them from table t_Agent_Team_Member of AWDB (using something like c:\icm\B...
I suppose that since version Cisco IOS 15.6(2)T it's possible to change this behaviour by configuring Multi-Tenant Here's the example from the CUBE configuration guide:Router# show run | sec tenant
Voice class tenant 1
registrar 1 ipv4:
The problem was with a collation.
MS SQL Server collation was set to "Cyrillic_General_CI_AS" and it should be set to Cyrillic_General_BIN.
After reinstalling MS SQL Server with a proper collation, EDMT finished migration without any further errors.
SkillGroup.XXXX.RouterCallsQNow shows the total number of calls in queue. But our customers want to get update information about how many callers are waiting before them.
What formula can be used to estimate this value?