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Member since ‎03-21-2014

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This is more of a public service announcement about 9130AXIs on 17.12.3. I have a TAC case open on this but it appears that https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCwh49406 is a symptom of some other bug involving cleanair on 2.4GHz with 9130...
In both 17.9.4 and 17.12.2 NDP appears to be broken between only C9136I-B and only on 2.4 and 5ghz - 6ghz works fine. This happens whether I set ndp-mode auto, ndp-mode off-channel, or ndp-mode on-channel in the 2.4 and 5ghz RF profiles. The default ...
It is possible in 17.9.x to get a 9800-40 or 9800-80 in an HA SSO pair (with RMI) to have a previous SMU version APSP being distributed to APs as the active image, so for example I'm on 17.9.3 but APs are downloading 17.9.1 and joining the controller...
Could everyone reading this with Catalyst AX series APs and a 9800 WLC do "show ap slots" and look for APs that have the slot 1 radio showing up as "802.11b/g" ? For example an affected AP will look like this in the output of "show ap slots":ap-name ...
DNAC is pushing "wireless feature-usage enable" to 9800 WLCs now, it's not in the command reference even for 17.11. Seeing this on DNAC and 9800-40 17.9.3.Not sure what it does. In CLI help it's described as "Dashboard Feature Usage" which is...
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Member Since ‎03-21-2014 01:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 98
Total Helpful Votes Received 66
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