Level 5
Level 5
Member since ‎05-19-2014

User Statistics

  • 743 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 52 Helpful votes Given
  • 106 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi Guys, just a question, if my laptop wlan driver has been updated to support WiFi6E, does it mean that I can use the same wlan driver to connect to WiFi7 or do I need to update again my wlan driver to support WiFi7?
Hi guys,  In my wireless design for corporate users is using Central Auth Local Switching and now I need to incorporate a Guest wireless use case using the same platform. Can I deploy another WLC to be the Anchor from the corporate WLC even though th...
Hi Guys, I know that in the SDA, the latency of each SDA components is very tight. When designing an SDA, how can we know if we can meet the RTT? For example, from my Edge switch to my DNAC or AP to my WLC and WLC to my DNAC, how do we know if RTT is...
Hi guys I want to use the assurance in DNA Center particularly the Client 360, do I need to have a DNA Advantage or the DNA Essential will do? In the data sheet it is stated it should be DNA Advantage but some says Essential is enough to see the Clie...
Hi, I would like to clarify if the wlc L2 mobility roaming can be achieve between cisco and a 3rd party vendor controller? Where I will create a link in between the two controller and set a mobility group so that clients can roam freely between two w...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-19-2014 12:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-20-2024 03:12 AM
Posts 743
Total Helpful Votes Received 100