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Member since ‎12-20-2006

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When we upgraded APIC controller from 2.2.3 to 3.1 the process stopped after APIC 01 was finished. To proceed we had to download the .iso image to APIC 02 and 03 respectively and then restart the process.  Anybody that have seen this? Why?   /Jorgen
Hi, We are planning to upgrade a centrel Nexus 7k DC VPC installation. Today: Redundant SUP-1M1-32XP linecardsFab-1 fabric moules (3) Two nodes in VPC configuration with NxOS 5.2 New: Redundant SUP-2EF3-48XP linecardsFab-2 fabric modules (5)NxOS 7....
Hi, Have a new DC solution with Nexus 56128 switches running LAN + Native FC.Storage Arrays shall be connected to the Nexus switches via 8G FCCustomer has Dell blade with Qlogic SAN switches, where existing zoning is done. Today these are connected t...
Hi,Need a simple script (TCL/EEM) that backs up running-config of an ASR9k router on a daily basis.Destination FTP och SFTP via a VRF/Jorgen 
Hi,We are about to start a project that shall secure an organisations wired network.This organisation has 40k clients and around 250k network attached devices (clients, printers, cams, medical equipment, environmental equipment ...)There are about 30...
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Member Since ‎12-20-2006 01:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-19-2019 12:35 AM
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