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Member since ‎12-04-2006

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So you all know, I'm NEW to IPv6... and I mean GREEN!  I have configured an IPv4 Cisco 9200 configured with multiple VLANs for an IPv4 network. In addition, this 9200 has 1 VLAN that needs to be IPv6. My config includes the following for IPv6: ipv6 d...
I have an issue I am unable to understand and resolve. I recently installed an SG350X-48P Gigabit switch. We have several VLANs on the switch and we can access the internet via the Default Gateway, but only when the PC is configured for DHCP. If the ...
Here is my scenario: I have a main switch in a remote office, I added two 9200 (48 Port) switches stacked to a second suite at this remote site.VLAN1 is the default on all switches, no other VLANs yet. We have port 24 trunked on the main switch, and ...
I have a quick question that I just thought about today.I have a site that has a Local Voice Gateway for 911 calls. This all works, but I was wondering what happens if someone calls 911 and they hang up and 911 attempts to call back.Will, that call c...
I’m thinking this should be easy for someone to explain, what if anything, could happen here. I have a remote site connected to the Home Office via VPN. The phones at this remote site connect over this site-to-site VPN.Now, when they call 911, they g...
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Member Since ‎12-04-2006 08:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2021 12:18 AM
Posts 84
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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