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Member since ‎08-28-2002

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I've attempted downloading the client CRA Editor plug-in from two different 3.5(x) servers. The download keeps presenting the "CiscoCRAEditorv3.1.exe" file instead of a 3.5 version. Both of the servers are upgrades from 3.1(x)awhile back, but shoul...
Upgrading a 3.1.2 voicemail only to 4.0.4 unified messaging server. Temporarily moved the 3.1.2 HDD and key to a spare server, built the clean 4.0.4 system on the proper server and synchronized it into the Exch2000 message store. Wasn't a need to k...
Installing IPCC Express Enhanced version 3.5 with Call Manager 4.0. Attempting to login to XP agent workstation. Everything looks normal up to the "Connecting to CTI Server" splash, after which the app completely stops. The fastcall.exe process is...
I have been attempting to configure a VG248 gateway (1.2 image) to a 3.2(2)c SPG Call Manager group. It continues to give me a "WARNING: SCCP 48: Registration failed: Error: DB Config" message on the console. Auto Registration enables the port but ...
Unity 3.1.3. Currently, when a subscriber wishes to forward a received message to another subscriber, they must select ## to switch the selection criteria to extensions from subscriber name. Is it possible to set the default to extension selection...
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Member Since ‎08-28-2002 08:10 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-18-2018 02:23 PM
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