John Peterson
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Member since ‎10-10-2011

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On the process of configuring QoS for Nexus I have come across both commands which "seem" to describe the same action. While looking into this further, it explains one can be used to mark traffic - but this can be achieved by both.
While reading the limitation of PBR I've come across the below:"Note This software release does not support PBR when processing IPv4 and IPv6 traffic." This statement is throughout their configuration guides right up to version 15.0.I'm reading this ...
Hi,We have deployed an virtual wireless controller in our network with four APs.From time to time we have noticed some clients keep dropping off the network and then re-connecting. I have looked at the logs of the AP and I'm seeing logs of Rouge AP w...
Hi,We have xconnect configured on a number of our customers which have there own circuit going into your device. Some of our customers would like to terminate their lease lines on a servers which are seperate by servers in each vlan (one cable trunke...
Guys I was not sure if this should be in the LAN section but I gathered that as the communication was over two remote sites I would post under WAN.A customer of our has two remote sites both internet facing with a 3 layer design and 2Gpbs inter-conne...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-10-2011 05:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-28-2019 12:09 PM
Posts 264
Total Helpful Votes Received 7
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