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Member since ‎11-13-2001

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Hi I need configure a vpn with less than 10 vpn of remote window7, the purpose is to access a server internally with ecrpted traffic. Is this type of VPN suitable for IPsec on border router,  or is it suitable for SSL VPN ? if so, the loadbalancer ...
on asr1004, can I config to check a subnet metric if it is 30 (an example) than send the subnet to neighper with staticly set metrix to 35? another way to say, can I do: route-map to-neigher permit 5    match metrix 30    set metrix 35 Please ad J...
Hi I need pass med from my end of asr1004 to my ebgp neighbour, and I have only found  commandnd 'set metric xxx" on route-map. but, I want pass the med value which routing table has. how can I do it? #sh ip bgpBGP table version is 555, local rout...
Hi I am testing to overcome default route from other routers. the route protocol eigrp. can i do: router eigrp 1 no default-information in if so, does it mean my default route can sent out, but other routers default routes i will...
Hi I have to ask a siley question: I need add addtional bgp to eigrp redistribution list  to router eigrp. this is for ip ( just an example) currently on the router it is two routes existed that is : >sh ip eigrp top
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Member Since ‎11-13-2001 05:38 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 443