Ron Nelson
Level 5
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Member since ‎07-10-2013

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In our current set of grammars on CVP 10.5, we are using an application parameter grammar at the first set of voice prompts in each application. The grammar looks like the following:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <SWIparameter version="1.0" i...
Has anyone built a gadget for finesse using a signed request? Can anyone provide an example of XML configuration and gadget config. It looks like you only configure the parameter as shown below. I'm not sure what process is signing the request or how...
Our company has recently upgraded to CVP 10.5 and use Jenkins to run a windows batch script to execute the buildapp.bat that is part of the SAB tool.In 9.0 this executed just fine and built our app in preparation for a deploy.When we updated the SAB ...
We are in the process of migrating from 8.5.1 to 9.0.1 and we're running into some start up errors on the VXML Server.  When loading the gate way adapters the system throws an AbstractErrorMethod.  Here's the co...
We've changed our internal monitoring solutioon to a monitor log files.  Our new enterprise solution cannot read the constantly open acitivty_log**.txt files because they don't close until the next day when we roll the file over. I'm looking at setti...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-10-2013 02:22 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-27-2018 12:18 AM
Posts 34
Total Helpful Votes Received 7
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