Laith Ibrahim
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-25-2013

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  • 113 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 70 Helpful votes Given
  • 53 Helpful votes Received
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Dears, In the last models of CME (2900, 3900, 4300, 4400), there was an option to configure the welcoming message (Automated Attendant), either through Cisco Unity Express (which is now EOS), or B-ACD service, I was wondering of how can we have this ...
Dears, I have a question about the Board Pro, below is the datasheet: 1) Can we extend from the Board Pro an additional 3rd party display? (...
Hello, I hope all is well, Kindly I need your support with CUCM recovery ISO, my customer has the below version: I appreciate your help, Thanks,
Hello All, In addition to the DNA license for APs, do I need any other licenses so that one pair of 9800-L (Active/Standby) can work without issues? Do I need the PERF License in order for the HA to work?  Thanks,
Hello Everyone,Cisco deleted all files and release notes related to 9.x CUCM,I am in disparate need to have the below file:cmterm-devicepack9.1.2.16147-1.cop.sgn I need it to add the support of 78XX ip phones to CUCM 9.1.2-10000, Can anyone please pr...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-25-2013 03:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-08-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 113
Total Helpful Votes Received 53