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Member since ‎02-08-2010

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Just wondering if anyone has seen issues with Win10 and WIRED posture.  We have seen random issues with posture where clients say compliant but they are still have the redirect ACL on wired session.  When looking at the logs, we see a machine go thro...
we are converting a large number of AP's from autonomous to lightweight and will be using flexconnect groups on a 7510.  The flexconnect groups also have flexconnect ACL's which we are using for redirecting NAC & posture traffic.  We have tried pre-s...
I'm wondering how I would set up a script for this.  We have different model 800 series routers but I would like the same EEM script to be on all.  The 881 has FA ports while the 891 has Gig ports.I'd like to have the EEM script do a 'show version' o...
Does anyone use Trusted network detection and Always-on with a failed close policy?  If so, how has the experience been?  Do you do anything to exempt some users either permanently or temporarily and if so, are you just using DAP/group policy to disa...
We have two 7510 WLC's and a bunch of AP's.  I want to make sure I understand the license impact of what we are trying to do.  Our AP's will not be up at all times and it's impossible to know when these AP's will be connected and booted up.  They may...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-08-2010 11:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-02-2023 07:44 AM
Posts 62
Total Helpful Votes Received 34
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