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Member since ‎06-04-2002

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In   our test environment I upgraded Sups 720 to Sups 2T. The Sups 2T came with IOS   15.0.1. Looking at to the latest IOS; I found IOS 15.5.1. I upgraded to this   version and things seem to be working OK. In the web site, there is also   image s2t5...
We have the following scenario.We are running 6.1.5 MCS servers and want to upgrade to 8.6.2 in a VM environment.The old cluster and the new one will have different IP Address.To not disrupt the production environment; we built a VM and installed 6.1...
I am trying to use Ciscoworks LMS3.2 with RME 4.3.1. to upgrade many, many Cat3750x stacks we have laying  around. The problem I am having is that Ciscoworks downloads the new image to the Stack’s master switch only and not to all switches. When I re...
Is it possible to perform configuration archives (saves) on LMS 3.2, RME 4.3.1 for Dell switches? Someone mentioned a generic switch package that could allow performing some Ciscoworks tasks on non Cisco equipment. Is this just an urban legend???Than...
Hello,I’m having the need to upgrade over one hundred Cat2900 to a newer image. When I run the software distribution application on Ciscoworks (RME 4.3.1) I get the “catastrophic” warning described below. The new image is only 7MB and there are 22MB ...
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Member Since ‎06-04-2002 09:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-30-2020 12:04 AM
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