Raimund Schimanovits
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Member since ‎11-12-2013

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I only need a SSL certificate for tests on a 1921 router.  Now chrome bolocks the site when i connect. I need this for anyconnect and clientless ssl. Is there a free ssl certificate website where i can get this? br 
Hi How can i assign a policy group to a user in a router?   So i will assign a policy to a group of members and an other group to other members. There are differesnt acl for different services.   br   webvpn context SSL_Contextgateway SSLVPN_GATEWAY!...
Hello How can i configure the filename on an dhcp server what filename the router should look at the tftp server? The dhcp option 66 only sends the ip of the tftp sever so the router looks at  %Error opening tftp:// (No such ...
Hello I have to configure 500 Router with an initial config. How can i boot the router with this config via USB Stick or an other way? The Router is new and needs a special config for our customer. br 
Hello Does Cisco have a ACS Server for TR-069 devices? I found Cisco Prime but nothing about TR-069 protocoll. br Raimund  
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-12-2013 01:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-24-2024 12:32 AM
Posts 170
Total Helpful Votes Received 43
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