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Member since ‎07-18-2001

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i have two 2811 with 4 t1s between them. (2 on each). I would like to connect the two f0/1 interfaces on each router to each other so if both t1s go down on one router the packets coming in f0/0 will just route out f0/1 to the other router that still...
what kind of router do you think i would need for a 30mbps internet connection. two internet connections at that speed? i was wondering if a 2811 could handle that.
I wanted to generate an excel chart of the time it takes to ping from one site to another site across my ipsec vpn. I was hoping to use the timestamp option with ping to get the time and then graph that in reference to the ms delay in the relay. i w...
Hi I think i know the answer to my question but i haven't found any documentation to back it up so i was hoping for confirmation here. I have an asa5520 using rip. the outside interface is connected to a vlan that has two 2811 routers on it that are ...
I am writing my own netflow collector to run as a windows service and do fancy things with the data it collects. one of the first issues i am running into is this.in the netflow format PDF i obtain from ciscos site. it says that the packet header is ...
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Member Since ‎07-18-2001 07:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 302
Total Helpful Votes Received 32
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