Muhammed Ashiq
Level 1
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Member since ‎02-27-2018

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  • 125 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 101 Helpful votes Given
  • 122 Helpful votes Received
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Hi, We have a requirement that customer data should be visible to agent before dialing (as in preview mode) but the call should be be first answered by IVR then transfer to Same agent upon customer's confirmation (Press *). Is there any way we can ac...
Hi,   We have UCCE solution and while agent trying to conference the call of customer with an IVR application using CTI RP it is failing. Up on checking we found the CVP log returning user.microapp.error_code: 10 and conference is not happening. As p...
Hi, We have CVP 12.6,VVB 12.6 with UCCE 12.6 solution. If we have any missing audio prompt, the system giving exception error.badfetch.http leading to call disconnection and from CVP iis log we could confirm the audio URL return 404 error code. How w...
Hi, We have a solution where customer is offered a call back at a later time, during the queue. when customer accepts this we will release the call from ICM script. CallType report showing this calls in Return release field. Is there any way we can c...
Hi, For VXML GW for UCCE , is it work only on 29xx, 39xx, 39xxE series ? or it will work on 4400 series too but doesn't supported by TAC. Regards, Ashiq Mattil
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-27-2018 11:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-13-2024 01:31 AM
Posts 125
Total Helpful Votes Received 122