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Member since ‎03-29-2018

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i need a script for callback feature, if the caller stays in the queue more that 1 min he should have the option for call back
i need a script for post call servey for UCCX12.5, basically script should take the calling number and caller input (from 1 to 5 ). reports should be collected from CUIC and should show the calling number and the rate (1 to 5). please advise how can ...
we would like to configure a post call servey so caller can rate the call from 1 to 5, please advise how can we do that
error is showing when opening cisco finesse using UCCX publisher server, when opening my history gadget the following error  is showing " there were issues rendering this gadget. unable to find certificate chain". but when access Finesse from the sub...
Hi everyone,   our CUCM works fine for inbound and outbound call and everyone call hear the ring and ring back tones , now the issue is when i forward the ip phone to PSTN number and i call the forwarded ip phone number i cant hear ring back tone, Ho...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-29-2018 05:44 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-05-2022 12:31 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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