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Member since ‎05-13-2009

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Hello All,We are running UCCX 7.1 (SR5), UCM, 4 Voice Gateways 12.4(19b) .We have been experiencing some calls into our call center that when answered by our CSR's there is one way audio.  This happens only on a handful of the calls but...
Does anyone know if it is possible to import a certificate into the Java keystore within UCCX 8.5?  We are currently using 7.01 SR5 and have a pay by phone application that uses SSL to communicate with our billing system.  We had to use the keytool c...
I've searched the support community and have found a few references to a silent install for the cisco 7.1(5) TSP but no definitive answer if it can be done for non-administrators.  Can or Can't the CUCM 7.1 TSP be installed via a script for non-admin...
I'm using UCCX 7.01 -We are implementing a Pay By Phone solution.  When we ask the customer for their statement number the number must be sent to our webservice in the format of 3 integers.  So basically if a customer enters in "3" the system must be...
I wanted to post a resolution to an issue that has been plaguing our UCCX 7.01 environment for quite some time.  I have opened numerous TAC Cases all to no avail regarding the infamous ghost calls that a few of us experience in our environments.  Whi...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-13-2009 04:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-16-2018 10:11 AM
Posts 46
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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