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Member since ‎04-03-2018

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  • 61 Posts
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  • 50 Helpful votes Given
  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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Hello We are setting up a new SIEM and one of the requirements is to track accounting information, such as users logging in to the devices and making configuration changes. On the Cisco N9Ks, the output of the "show accounting log" is what we need to...
Hello We're migrating off our legacy 3750 core and need to get an idea of current throughput so we can size our new devices correctly. What's a simple way to see overall throughput without having to set up external monitoring? Thanks 
Hello We have 2 data centers with Direct Connects to AWS running BGP. The US DC advertises it's private /19 range and the CA DC advertises a /12, the problem is that the /19 falls within the range of the /12. Is there a way to prevent the CA DC from ...
Hello We are in the process of migrating off our old 3750 core switches and onto Nexus 3ks. Currently, all of our Layer 3 networks are on the 3750s, there is a trunk between the 3750s and N3Ks and our rack switches are connected to the N3Ks. So Layer...
We’re connecting uplinks from a new pair of N9K-C93108TC-EX rack switches to our core, however the new switches only have QSPF ports for fiber and the core side has limited 10G ports and no spare 40G ports. What are our options for cabling? We have s...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-03-2018 03:10 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-20-2021 12:05 AM
Posts 61
Total Helpful Votes Received 15