Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-25-2007

User Statistics

  • 161 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 119 Helpful votes Given
  • 66 Helpful votes Received

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Here is the tracker config: tracker tracker1endpoint-ip It is applied here: vpn 0name VPN0_Underlay_VPNdns secondarydns primaryinterface ge0/0description INET1ip dhcp-clientnatrespond-to-ping!tracker tracker1 vedge1# show trac...
I have the following scenarion: A site with 2 vEdges: vEdge1 and vEdge2 each with their own ISP connection.Each vEdge has a TLOC extension to other in case their ISP goes down.Each vEdge also has ZBFW enabled so traffic must be kept symmetric.On the ...
Two SDWAN edge routers each with tunnels to Zscaler. All Internet goes over the tunnel to Zscaler. If router1 loses its Internet but its LAN side is still reachable, how do I get Internet traffic to failover to router2's tunnel to Zscaler?
How can we change the serial number on a Cat9000v so we can import multiple into Catalyst Center? Is this possible yet in 2.7?
I have an EVPN config for Cat9000 that is working from a L2 and L3 perspective. On the leaf switches, I put helper-address on the SVI that face the hosts. These SVIs are inside a VRF. The client send the DHCP Discover message but the leaf only bridge...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-25-2007 01:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-09-2024 04:07 PM
Posts 161
Total Helpful Votes Received 66