Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-16-2007

User Statistics

  • 44 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 29 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Good day, A client wants to start a SDA implementation, but they have not adquired ISE licenses yet.They will implement ISE in some time. I wanted to know if its posible to implement SDA and manually configure SGTs to create 'some' policies for micro...
Good day, Im planing on implement mi first CMS lab. Ive already read all the guides, but i want to clarify something before starting the configuration. The guides sugest to use 3 interfaces on the EDGE server (A for comunicaton to the LAN, B to com...
Im working on a design to bring a Wireless network to a small neighborhood.The idea is to create a mesh network with Aironets 1520s and following the sugestion from a Cisco Engineer, extend the Wireless network INSIDE the users houses with Cisco 1530...
I have a scenario with just one CUCM server and 2 Gateways (each one with one E1).The second Gateway is in a branch office, and is configured with a second "device pool".We are not getting any MOH server for the calls received through this Gateway, b...
We have a UCS with B200 blades.One of the HDD has led in STATIC AMBER, (this is a HDD Failure acording to the documentation), but the UCS manager did no show any alert.My first question is.... Should i see any alert in the UCS Manager? do i have to t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-16-2007 09:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2023 12:05 AM
Posts 44
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