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Level 1
Member since ‎09-25-2003

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We have a callmanager cluster that has 4 different companies using it in the same building. We would like to be able to have unique phone directories for each company. Anyone know if this can be done?
After installing unity (and running the permissions wizard), I noticed there is an account in our AD that is named "unity_[servername]". I did not create this account so I'm assuming this is created as part of the unity installation. I have 2 unity...
Does anyone know if there are any plans for allowing a local Unity server the ability to register to an SRST gateway? thanks.
I have a centralized call processing environment. Our remote sites all register with the same Callmanager Cluster across the WAN. The dial plan that we've created is fairly straight forward, we take the DID and add a 3 digit location code to it and...
Does the 3524XL-PWR support dynamic VLANs on ports configured with an auxilary voice VLAN? I've seen documentation that the 3550's support this but couldn't find any documents stating that the 3524 supported it. I'm trying to set it up so that when ...
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Member Since ‎09-25-2003 01:47 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-22-2023 12:01 AM
Posts 22