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Member since ‎03-02-2005

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Hi,I have a Cisco 2821 with a t3 controller which currently has the framing set to c-bit. My provider needs for this to be either turned off altogether or set to bypass. Bypass is not an option and when I try "no framing" it still shows it as being s...
Hi,An easy one for you gurus; I have a router which will have a /21 range on its Ethernet interface. I want to split this into a number of variable length subnets. Am I obliged to split this interface into a number of subinterfaces? e.g. if a packet ...
Hi,I have just installed an NM-1T3/E3 in a cisco 2821. I need to activate this interface. Would anyone know the appropriate command?Thanks!
Hi,I have a cisco 4000 router and would like to set up two seperate networks independant of each other. Is it possible to have them come in on the two seperate ethernet interfaces and keep the routing of them seperate?Many thanks for you help!
Hi,I would like to use PC anywhere to remotely access my network. I was told that there was a way of coming in on any port and then having that port translated to the PC anywhere port. Does anybody know how this could be achieved?Thanks.
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Member Since ‎03-02-2005 07:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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