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Member since ‎05-23-2012

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Hi guys ,I have couple of questions about Nexus 7010 configuration. how do we configure DHCP like the following example.ip dhcp excluded-address dhcp excluded-address!ip dhcp pool Voice   network 10.10.6...
HI Guys, I have  a quick question regarding Nexus 7K configuration. I am really new to this. I am not able to configure interfaces on Nexus other than the VLANs. Is there anything i need to enable or check for this. that's the modules i have         ...
Hi everyone, I wanted to know how to configure G729. We have problem dialing some external number from our network and we are getting this message " We're sorry your call cannot be connected at this time. Please try your call later)." When we checked...
Hi guys, if anyone knows how to connect my call manager (publisher) to two core switches 6509 to be able to have redundancy so if one of my switches goes off the secnd switch will be able to keep the cucm up and running. I want to be be able to have ...
Hello everybody,I am new to IP telephony world . I am learning and i am facing a problem . One of the analog phone is configured on vg224 port just like all other analog phones but it is showing that registeration and IP address is Unknown. What is p...
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Member Since ‎05-23-2012 10:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 12:13 PM
Posts 11