Hi commulity
Our DNAC version is
begin 2023/04/04 , the Device 360 is no data From AP:
and we have allready done "Update Telemetry Settings" on WLC :5520 (with Force Configuration Push option),
still no use; but from WLC , it display Ce...
Hi all
設備:C9800-L-F 在一次重啟後就不能正常開機:
Chassis 1 reloading, reason - Critical process crashMar 2 11:53:17.358: %PMAN-5-EXITACTIvp: Process manager is exiting:Mar 2 11:54:30.396: %PMAN-5-EXITACTION: F0/0: pvp: Process manager is exiting:Mar 2 11:54:48.07...
Hi Commulity
1/ Is it possible that the VPN-Client Use the DHCP option 252 From the Inside-DHCP Server?
SRV_DHCP <------DHCP-----> (inside)ASA(outside)<---SSLVPN----> ClientPC
the config as below , is not work , vpn-client cant get DHCP-op...
Hi Community I have trouble with OSPF route-filter ;the situation as below:we add some static-route on N9504---------------------------------ip route x.x.x.x.xip route x.x.x.x.xip route x.x.x.x.x---...
Hi Community As the title states , just want to know how to uninstall the EWC ;I have tried to use the command "factory-reset config" ,it's not work ....( should i use "factory-reset" ) thxBill
1/it's MS-DHCP ( on the subnet same as ASA inside )
2/ "msie-proxy pac-url http://xxx/wpad.dat " with "msie-proxy method use-pac" commed
it's work ; but in my environment , the Auto-proxy setting on the VPN-Client PC will be overwrite "auto-...
Hi balaji
1/ it's MS DHCP too
2/ i am not sure ASA will help the VPN-Client to ask the DHCP-request-includ option 252; i have capture the DHCP package on the MS-DHCP, i don't seen the option 252 item in the DHCP-discover ( Send from the ASA use t...
Hi MHM Maybe you are right , from : Troubleshooting Cisco Nexus Switches and NX-OSInterior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Network SelectionWhen ACLs are used for the IGP network selection during redistribution, the sourcefields of the ACL are used to identi...