Hello everyone, I want to know that what is the process behind an LWAP joining WLC and getting an IP from WLC. Anyone, please provide complete scenario. Where to configure the DHCP scope for AP's in WLC. Regards,
I have a Cisco 2960X PoE Switch, But there is an issue with Power on few ports. When I executed "show power inline" command. Oper status is "off" for all ports. Any solution would be apperciated. Thanks
Hi everyone, I want to upgrade my IOS for Cisco 1941 Series router. On the official site, there are 2 suggested version of IOS,15.7.3M4 MD and 15.6.3M6 MD. Which version shall I prefer, and please provide suggestions with pros and cons. Thanks,
Hi everyone, I have Cisco router, with SLA configured. Actually there are 3 connections configured earlier ISP1, ISP2 an ISP3 but now only one is in use. Also 3 Track objects configured for 3 connections.The issue is, users in LAN are facing internet...
Hi everyone, Can anyone explain me complete step by step procedure to upgrade Cisco-4500-VSS ios with precautions and things to do during and after upgrade process. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks,
TDR test last run on: April 24 22:33:45Interface Speed Local pair Pair length Remote pair Pair status--------- ----- ---------- ------------------ ----------- --------------------Gi1/0/43 auto Pair A 52 +/- 10 meters N/A OpenPair B 52 +/- 10 meters N...
Switch#sh postStored system POST messages:Switch 1---------POST: MA BIST : BeginPOST: MA BIST : End, Status PassedPOST: TCAM BIST : BeginPOST: TCAM BIST : End, Status PassedPOST: Inline Power Controller Tests : BeginPOST: Inline Power Controller Test...