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Member since ‎05-09-2019

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  • 53 Posts
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  • 13 Helpful votes Received
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Hi  Experts Is there any difference between vManage-system-ip and System-ip in cEdge. And how to check them by commands?
HI Experts. We want to deploy two separate wireless networks in two branches. The APs of Site1 and Site2 will broadcast the SSID with the same name, and their authentication methods are also the same (they both use 802.1X as the authentication method...
I have searched a lot of information, and I can only find out that the length of the Type2 route is 216 bits, and I have seen the composition of the length of the Type2 route (Length of the MAC VRF NLRI in bits). Take the following link for reference...
HI Experts, We want to use ISE3.1 to provide Portal page for Wi-Fi popup.Requirement: When the client is connected to the SSID, when the user enters the phone number on the Portal page, receives the SMS, and then enters the SMS verification code (Tok...
HI experts, We want to configure the periodic shutdown of WLAN under AireOS. I know that C9800 has a calendar-profile function that can be implemented, but I haven’t found out what function of AireOS can be implemented. Do you know?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-09-2019 01:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-03-2024 12:05 AM
Posts 53
Total Helpful Votes Received 13