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Member since ‎06-30-2019

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HiI have an Cisco 3504 WLC, But my 9120 shows 0 in the Air Quality counter(Check pictures), but my 3802 is showing 98 in the Air Quality counter(Check pictures), what could be wrong? KR Christian Josiassen
HiCan't go over 1.2gbps in throughput, i'm testing with two AX Laptops, they are not connected to the same AP, then i try upload a video file to my server, i get 1.2gbps with one Laptop, but when i start to upload a file from the other Laptop, then b...
HiGot a Cisco 2811 router from my school, which can be used as a terminal server, but my problem is that it has been wiped, so i don't have the IOS for it and it can't be downloaded anymore, does anybody have software for this router?KR Christian Jos...
HiMy manager is asking if it's possible to integrate Meraki Dashboard with a Teams webhook?Best greetings from Christian Josiassen
HiI need CCP for an Cisco 897, but where can i download it? Best greetings from Christian Josiassen
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Member Since ‎06-30-2019 12:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-08-2023 11:51 PM
Posts 71
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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