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Member since ‎08-27-2019

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Hi All,I am using packet tracer and am simply trying to enable some standard ACL's on the switches.I am wanting to follow the Deny all principle then permit what is necessary. I wish for the following to communicate:CORP Client - Internet AccessCORP ...
Hi All, I need my CORP lan to ping the server and pc's within their ranges. I am unable to get this to work despite looking at static routing and acl rules. I have attached the PKT file and all passwords are "cisco". If you are able to get it pinging...
Hi All,For some reason I am struggling to ping from switches 1 and 2 to the other switches. I have attached the packet tracer file. The tacacs username and password is dan. cisco tacacs has been failing to communicate to some switches to.if tacacs ca...
Hi All, I have had a few issues with my Packet tracer network recently. I am unable to ping my corp lan through my firewall also. The next main issue is I need to configure AAA on my layer 3 switches. I feel like they are only acting as layer 2. If y...
Hi All,My packet tracer program keeps closing after about 5 mins of being open. Is this due to loops in the network? or the network just being to complex? If you could give the file a check and diagnostic i would really appreciate it.Any passwords wi...
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Member Since ‎08-27-2019 07:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-27-2022 12:05 AM
Posts 64
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