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Member since ‎08-23-2010

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a partner is requesting for a cisco1941/k9 with ip service i know that this router comes with ip base. so how can i achieve the ip service licensing? br samson
Dear Sir, Please we are trying to create a small CCIE lab(RnS) in our DEMO center. We are looking on getting like  3 units of routers and  3 units of layer 3 switches. I hope this qty will be enough? Can you help me come up and generate a BoM for thi...
 Dear sir/Ma,I want some in depth understanding and explanation of the below video communication server.please supply and provide white paper/resources/material if need be.1. CTI-VCS-CONTRL-K92. CTI-VCS-EXPRESS-K9brSamson
Dear Sir/Ma,we purchased Cisco ASA 2500 SSL VPN licenses some months back. The anyconnect SSL VPN client we have is not compatible with windows 8 and 64bit systems. Please, can you help us get a more recent version? Possibly Anyconnect client 3.0 or ...
Dear Sir/Ma, Please I need a BoM for a Call Monitoring and Recording with Unified CM.What are the devices that would be involved.brsamson
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Member Since ‎08-23-2010 04:01 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-19-2024 07:34 AM
Posts 251