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Member since ‎07-21-2006

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Ok, in other phones systems I have worked with I could nest huntgroups, I can't figure out a way to do this in call manager 4.1 Any help please.Example. If I wanted a number to come in on 5555 and ring 5 people, then if in 30 minutes they didnt pi...
Ok, I configured blf in enterpise parameters and configured the buttons on the phone to monitor the extentions, but it isn't working. The button shows in the config of the phone, it just doesnt light up. I'm running cucm7.0(2)Thanks in advance.
Is it possible for a button on the phone to show when a phone is off hook and that same line be a speed dial?Thanks
I am installing a new CUCM 7.0 system and the conference button is greyed out when I have a call between phones. Anyone had that? I configured the conference bridge and cant figure it out :(
I understand how outbound calls work with CMCs. Can someone give me an explination on how to put a client matter code on inbound calls? Thank you in advance.Erik
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Member Since ‎07-21-2006 09:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-10-2020 01:39 PM
Posts 90