Hello all, Is there a way to make different policy set based on client supplicant? if AnyConnect; then Allowed Protocol is FASTelse Allowed Protocol is PEAP The problem is that we have some people with AnyConnect and others with windows native suppli...
Hi all, hope you are fine. Is it possible to mix two (2) APs with embedded Controlleur C9115AXI-EWC and others APs without EWC like C9105AXW.So that the two (2) C9115AXI-EWC-E will be in HA mode (Active/Standby). Thanks.
Hello, We have a N7706 (module N77-F348XP-23) and FEX N2248TF-EThis link says that N2248TF-E is a N2248TP-Ehttps://www.router-switch.com/pdf/n2k-c2248tf-e-datasheet.pdf This link says that N2248TP-E does not support FCoEhttps://www.cisco.com/c/en/us...
Hello,We have two C6840-X-LE-40G, with 40x10G SPF+ and 2x40G QSFP ports. 1. Can we make a VSL using only 2x10G from each of these two switch (without using the 40G SUP card)?2. Can a VSL be make using only one link in the port-channel?