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SPA 2102

Level 1
Level 1


I am using a device that acts as a door speaker system with 'ab' interface. It works quite well, but as the phone inside the house is hung up, the busy tone is received by the device but not detected. So the device didn't hung up.

The company tells me, that I have to use the european signalling standard by the SPA 2102 to get it working.

I found lot of settings, but changes doesnt help.

Here the current setting for the Busy tone:  440@-10,440@0;10(.125/.125/1+2). The device can detect busy tones between 380Hz and 480Hz and need a signal with 500mS on, 500mS off.

Where can I get a documentation about the configuration string syntax and semantik?

I guess now, that this settings effects only the detection of signals by the SPA 2102, but if this is correct, where can I set the output signals??

Thanks for helping


5 Replies 5

The Busy Tone is played when a 486 RSC is received for an outbound call.



440@-10 : "tone 1" is 440 Hz at -10dBm
440@0 : "tone 2" is 440 Hz at 0dBm

10(..) gives the duration of the tone in seconds

The contents of the duration is "On/Off/Tones" so (.125/.125/1+2) is "On" for .125 seconds,
"Off" for .125 seconds.
The 1+2 specifies each tone should be played simultaneously.

What is your country?


Hi Giordano,

my country is Austria.

I found out now, that the 'Reorder Tone' is played, and I found correct


As I need only one tone played, can I use 420@-10:15(.5/.5) for 420 Hz at

-10dbm, for 15 seconds, on for 500 msec and off for 500 msec??

is there any document around describing this 'language of tones' in etail?

Thanks for helping.

With best regards


Yes, 420@-10;15(.5/.5) generates on-off single tone.

I don't know official documentations about regional tone parameters.



Hi Gerhard, I found this doc:

CadScript—A mini-script that specifies the cadence parameters of a signal.

Up to 127 characters. Syntax: S1[;S2], where: Si=Di(oni,1/offi,1[,oni,2/

offi,2[,oni,3/offi,3[,oni,4/offi,4[,oni,5/offi,5[,oni,6/offi,6]]]]]) and is known as a

section, oni,j and offi,j are the on/off duration in seconds of a segment and i =

1 or 2, and j = 1 to 6. Di is the total duration of the section in seconds. All

durations can have up to three decimal places to provide 1 ms resolution.

The wildcard character “*” stands for infinite duration. The segments within

a section are played in order and repeated until the total duration is played.

Example 1:


Number of Cadence Sections = 1

Cadence Section 1: Section Length = 60 s

Number of Segments = 1

Segment 1: On=2s, Off=4s

Total Ring Length = 60s

Example 2—Distinctive ring (short,short,short,long):


Number of Cadence Sections = 1

Cadence Section 1: Section Length = 60s

Number of Segments = 4

Segment 1: On=0.2s, Off=0.2s

Segment 2: On=0.2s, Off=0.2s

Segment 3: On=0.2s, Off=0.2s

Segment 4: On=1.0s, Off=4.0s

Total Ring Length = 60s

FreqScript—A mini-script that specifics the frequency and level

parameters of a tone. Up to 127 characters. Syntax:

F1@L1[,F2@L2[,F3@L3[,F4@L4[,F5@L5[,F6@L6]]]]], where F1–F6 are frequency in

Hz (unsigned integers only) and L1–L6 are corresponding levels in dBm (with

up to 1 decimal places). White spaces before and after the comma are

allowed (but not recommended).

Example 1—Call Waiting Tone:


Number of Frequencies = 1

Frequency 2 = 440 Hz at –10 dBm

Example 2—Dial Tone:


Number of Frequencies = 2

Frequency 1 = 350 Hz at –19 dBm

Frequency 2 = 440 Hz at –19 dBm

ToneScript—A mini-script that specifies the frequency, level and cadence

parameters of a call progress tone. May contain up to 127 characters.

Syntax: FreqScript;Z1[;Z2]. The section Z1 is similar to the S1 section in a

CadScript except that each on/off segment is followed by a frequency

components parameter: Z1 = D1(oni,1/offi,1/fi,1[,oni,2/offi,2/fi,2 [,oni,3/offi,3/fi,3

[,oni,4/offi,4/fi,4 [,oni,5/offi,5/fi,5 [,oni,6/offi,6/fi,6]]]]]), where fi,j =

n1[+n2]+n3[+n4[+n5[+n6]]]]] and 1 < nk < 6 indicates which of the frequency

components given in the FreqScript are used in that segment; if more than

one frequency component is used in a segment, the components are

summed together.

Example 1—Dial tone:


Number of Frequencies = 2

Frequency 1 = 350 Hz at –19 dBm

Frequency 2 = 440 Hz at –19 dBm

Number of Cadence Sections = 1

Cadence Section 1: Section Length = 10 s

Number of Segments = 1

Segment 1: On=forever, with Frequencies 1 and 2

Total Tone Length = 10s

Example 2—Stutter tone:


Number of Frequencies = 2

Frequency 1 = 350 Hz at –19 dBm

Frequency 2 = 440 Hz at –19 dBm

Number of Cadence Sections = 2

Cadence Section 1: Section Length = 2s

Number of Segments = 1

Segment 1: On=0.1s, Off=0.1s with Frequencies 1 and 2

Cadence Section 2: Section Length = 10s

Number of Segments = 1

Segment 1: On=forever, with Frequencies 1 and 2

Total Tone Length = 12s

Example 3—SIT tone:



Number of Frequencies = 3

Frequency 1 = 985 Hz at –16 dBm

Frequency 2 = 1428 Hz at –16 dBm

Frequency 3 = 1777 Hz at –16 dBm

Number of Cadence Sections = 1

Cadence Section 1: Section Length = 20s

Number of Segments = 4

Segment 1: On=0.38s, Off=0s, with Frequency 1

Segment 2: On=0.38s, Off=0s, with Frequency 2

Segment 3: On=0.38s, Off=0s, with Frequency 3

Segment 4: On=0s, Off=4s, with no frequency components

Total Tone Length = 20s
