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SPA9000 and direct callback of missed calls

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I'm just started to configure a SPA9000 for home use.

Connected right now on the SPA9000 is a softphone, a SPA525 and an analog phone

Configured is that the incoming phones ring on all phones which works quite well and every phone is ringing.

The problem i would like to solve is if i directly callback a missed call i don't wan't to enter the 9 in advance to

get a line. The system should get aware that if i enter more than 3 numbers a 9 should automatically attached.

I tried different solutions but probably i enter the stuff in the wrong line or it simply doesn't work.

The dial plan thing on Line 1 is (9:>xx.) i also tried allready (9:>xxxxxxxxxx) but it hasn't worked.

Is there a solutiong ? If yes, please tell me where i have to enter what.

Thanks a lot


7 Replies 7

Alberto Montilla
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You have two options, one is system wide, the other applies to SPA525G only.

(1) System wide:

Try adding this at the beginning of the phone dial plan (on SPA9000 SIP tab):


This will cause the system to add 9 to any number longer than 4 digits and not starting with (9).

(2) Local to SPA525G

Try adding this on the [Ext] Caller ID map



Hi Alberto

Thanks for your help, i tried that but it doesn't work.

Software Version of the SPA9000 is 6.1.5

Do you know if there is somewhere a Swiss Dial Plan ?

Btw. I have no SPA400, i'm using directly and only a SIP Provider to make outside calls.

Connected right now is a Analog Phone and a SPA525 Linksys IP Phone.

Can you pls. copy the lines in your reply and change them according to they should work ?

Would be great.

What I have now in the different Dial Plans...

See here:

Voice SIP Tab:

Dial Plan:     (<*97:vmm>|9,[3469]11S0|9,[2-9]xxxxxx|9,[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,011xx.|xxx.|[2345678]|)

FXS1 Tab:

Dial Plan:     (<*97:vmm>|9,[3469]11S0|9,[2-9]xxxxxx|9,[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,011xx.|xxx.|[2345678])  

FXS2 Tab:


Line1 Tab:

Dial Plan:     (<9:>xx.)

Thanks for your help


Try this:

Voice SIP Tab:

Dial Plan:     (<*97:vmm>|9,[3469]11S0|9,[2-9]xxxxxx|9,[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,011xx.|<:9>xxxxx.|xxx.|[2345678]|)

FXS1 Tab:

Dial Plan:     (<*97:vmm>|9,[3469]11S0|9,[2-9]xxxxxx|9,[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,011xx.|<:9>xxxxx.|xxx.|[2345678])  

FXS2 Tab:


Line1 Tab:

Dial Plan:     (<9:>xx.)

Thanks for your help


Hey Alberto

Thanks a lot, that worked ;-)




I edited my dial plan in the Voice SIP tab as you advised and it greatly adds to the convenience of dialing and returning missed local calls. Thanks for that suggestion.

Now, how might I automatically add the 1 for out of area calls? We are located in 262 area code. Some 262 numbers are local and others are not. We also receive and return calls from 414, 920, 312, etc.

Here is a dial plan that I have been putting into client's enviornments in US (XXX)XXX-XXXX:


This differs from the default dial plan of:


We added the following entries (each entry is seperated by a post "|")


This add a "91" when ever 10 digits are dialed. This is what was needed to make sure we can hit the return call button to dial the call sucessfully otherwise we would get an error message from our ITSP.


This adds a "91949" which is 9 (Outside Line) + 1(Long Distnace) + 949(Area Code) when ever 7 digits are dialed. We added this to allow user to dial local phone calls (seven digits in the US, but can change for whatevery country you are in) w/o having ti dial the extra 5 digits.


We replace the 9 to allow for 6 = Line 4, 7 = Line 3, 8 = Line 2 and 9 = Line 1 for selecting differant outgoing lines. This is helpful so you can use this script regardless of what lines are used or not and is capable of utilizing all SPA9000 lines.

I recommend that you read pages 66 - 77 in SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide if you need to fine tune these and can test in your enviornmet.


Steve Wofford

Call Ctrl Call Manager for

SPA900 - SPA500 IP Phones

I went to the manual and figured from that exactly what I wanted it to do. After about 1/2 hour experimenting, I have exactly the dial plan I need. Combination of your examples and those in the manual were helpful to give me confidence to attempt the changes.

Thanks for you help.