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Catalyst 9300/embedded 9800 Enabling TACACS for GUI access

Level 7
Level 7

I am trying to enable TACACS for the web GUI access for a Catalyst 9300 with embedded 9800 controller. ISE is acting as the TACACS server. The switch is running 17.4.1 and the ISE 2.7.0356 (patch 2)


I've followed the guides but the switch is sending the TACACS requests with User Name of USERNAME

CLI authentication using TACACS is working without issue.


6 Replies 6

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

As stated everything is configured it is just sending the wrong User Name to the TACACS server (I see this in the TACACS server logs on the ISE)

Can you post complete log and configuration for us to look what is wrong here ?



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The TACACS config is below. 


aaa group server tacacs+ TacacsServers
server name TACACS1
server name TACACS2

aaa new-model
aaa group server tacacs+ TacacsServers
aaa authentication login default group TacacsServers local
aaa authentication login LoginCON group TacacsServers local
aaa authentication login LoginVTY group TacacsServers local
aaa authentication login GUILogin local group TacacsServers
aaa authentication enable default group TacacsServers enable
aaa authorization console
aaa authorization config-commands
aaa authorization exec default group TacacsServers local if-authenticated
aaa authorization exec AuthExecCON group TacacsServers local if-authenticated
aaa authorization exec AuthExecVTY group TacacsServers local if-authenticated
aaa authorization exec AuthzExecGUI local group TacacsServers
aaa authorization commands 1 default local
aaa authorization commands 1 AuthCmdCON group TacacsServers local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 1 AuthCmdVTY group TacacsServers local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 15 default local
aaa authorization commands 15 AuthCmdCON group TacacsServers local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 15 AuthCmdVTY group TacacsServers local if-authenticated
aaa accounting update newinfo periodic 2880
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group TacacsServers
aaa accounting exec AcctExecCON start-stop group TacacsServers
aaa accounting exec AcctExecVTY start-stop group TacacsServers
aaa accounting commands 1 AcctCmdCON start-stop group TacacsServers
aaa accounting commands 1 AcctCmdVTY start-stop group TacacsServers
aaa accounting commands 15 AcctCmdCON start-stop group TacacsServers
aaa accounting commands 15 AcctCmdVTY start-stop group TacacsServers

no ip http server
ip http authentication aaa login-authentication GUILogin
ip http authentication aaa exec-authorization AuthzExecGUI
ip http secure-server
ip http secure-trustpoint switch-cert
ip http session-idle-timeout 1200
ip http client connection forceclose
ip http client source-interface Vlan90

ip tacacs source-interface Vlan96


As for logs I get nothing on the switch even with TACACS debug enabled and on the ISE it is just a failed authentication error because the username is invalid. USERNAME is actually one that we specifically capture and push to a none existent identity store to avoid unnecessary loading on the real authentication servers so the reported "error" is actual as expected. Here some of the attributes as reported in the log message:


TACACS Protocol
Authentication Action Login
Authentication Privilege Level 1
Authentication Type ASCII
Authentication Service Login

Other Attributes
Protocol Tacacs
RequestLatency 3008
Type Authentication
NetworkDeviceProfileId xxxxxx
AuthenticationMethod PAP_ASCII
SelectedAccessService Default Device Admin
SelectedAuthenticationIdentityStores Blackhole

This has already been answered a number of times on the communities which you could have found with a quick search.


Short answer: 9800 GUI does not support AAA authorization at the moment.

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I have TACACS working on my 9800-L and 9800-CL's but not using an embedded controller on a 9K, but what I see on yours is that you have a different method from cli and gui.  I don't see why you want to do that since you really want to use the same servers and priority.  You have local set to be used, is that what you want?  

aaa authentication login GUILogin local group TacacsServers

You should try the following or use the cli method:

aaa authentication login GUILogin group TacacsServers local

aaa authorization exec AuthzExecGUgroup TacacsServers local

You will only be able to use one or the other, so keep in mind that how you have yours, if local fails, it will not try tacacs.  if you change to tacacs then local, what will happen is that you will have to pass the tacacs policy and local will fail unless tacacs is not reachable.

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