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Certificate Installation Cisco CMX

Level 5
Level 5

Hi guys,

I tried to install certificate in my CMX, it is a success but when I check the the CMX portal, it is still uses the default certificate?

I followed the CMX documentation about this maybe you can share what is happening here.


11 Replies 11


 Did you reboot if after certificate installation?

 If you create a directory, did you give permission to the file?



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Hi Flavio,

At first I tried to reboot the service but it doesn't work and then I tried to reboot the machine but still doesn't work neither



 If you created manually any directory, make sure you gave permissions.



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I use this command to install the cetificate,


cmxctl node sslmode enable --pem /opt/haproxy/ssl/newcert/localhost.pem

is this correct then I restart service or reboot the machine 

I don´t know if you follow any guide but I think there´s something missing on your command:


On this Guide , the command looks like this:


cmxctl node sslmode enable --pem /home/cmxadmin/cert.pem --key /home/cmxadmin/host.key


This is shown on the section "Importing Certificates". Then you have the section "install Self-signed Certificate" and "Install Third Party certificate".


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I tried to follow this document


but it showing error like it has different key but if you check it is the same key

maybe i did not correctly configure for CSR, can you provide what command should be to generate a CSR?

Are you using Self-signed certificate?  Did you use Openssl?







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I am a bit new in linux, i did use openssl to generate the CSR but i am not sure if that is the correct way to generate csr in CMX.

This is not something we do frequently so I´d go with a guide as well.  There are tons of guide for this subject. For example this one:




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Hi There!

I've just found this as I was running into the same issue - I've done this one two lab nodes and here is the process I used to get it working:

Login to CMX CLI


Generate the CSR (you can also do this in openssl within windows or other OS to get SAN certs)

openssl req -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /home/cmxadmin/private.key -out /home/cmxadmin/cert.crt


CAT the cert.crt to see the certificate signing request


Cat cert.crt

---begin certificate signing request---


---end certificate signing request---

Upload to CA for signing (I was using the MS CA in our lab)


Then you can CAT the private key (or open in notepad depending on where you did this)

Combine the Private Key, signed cert, then any intermediate and root certs and save as a pem file - you can do this in notepad (or other plaintext editor) and then SCP it onto CMX, or you can can run vim directly on CMX to create the file and paste the content in.

It should look similar to this:

---begin private key---


---end private key---

---begin certificate---

Cmx signed certificate

---end certificate---

---begin certificate---

Intermedia root certificate (if applicable)

---end certificate---

---begin certificate---

root certificate

---end certificate---


The private key and the pem file (containing the key) should be in the /home/cmxadmin/ folder.


Use CLI, change to the above folder and then do an ls -l    -  you should see the owner as cmxadmin you will need to chmod the permissions of the pem and the key files

Chmod 644 private.key

Chmod 644 cert.pem


Which makes them read-only

Verify the cert:

openssl verify -CAfile /home/cmxadmin/cert.pem /home/cmxadmin/cert.pem


You should see an "OK" message


Then, execute:

cmxctl node sslmode enable --pem /home/cmxadmin/cert.pem --key /home/cmxadmin/private.key


You should see ssl enabled


Restart the agent and ha proxy:

Cmxctl restart agent

Cmxctl restart proxy


Once restarted check the web server is using the expected certificate. (ensure that your root cert is trusted by the browser or API keystore)

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