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Configurar AIR-AP3802E-E-K9 como Standalone

Level 1
Level 1

Buenos días;

Alguien me puede echar una mano para configurar un AP3802E, como standalone?

Muchas gracias.

4 Accepted Solutions

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Hall of Fame


 - Para este punto de acceso, el tipo de punto sea independiente significa instalar el software Mobility Express en él.


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '

View solution in original post

Hola @oscar-rodriguez 

No es un tema de licencias, es tener un contrato de soporte valido con cisco para que tengas acceso  a la descarga de la imagen. Este modelo de equipo es capaz de funcionar como un controlador, y puede, usarse se manera independiente o bien como punto central de configuración para más equipos.

El modo se llama Mobility Express.

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> What power injector are you using? POE16U-1AF P/N: 341-0556-01A1
POE16U-1AF = Power Injector (802.3af) for AP 1600, 2600 and 3600
That power injector supports maximum 15.4W (802.3af) POE. As already explained, the 3802 AP requires 30W 802.3at POE for the radios to operate. The AP radios cannot and will not operate on that power injector.

Either get a switch which supports 802.3at (POE+) power or get the correct Cisco power injector: AIR-PWRINJ6=

View solution in original post


@oscar-rodriguez  tal como @Rich R comenta, el adaptador PoE que estás usando solamente proporciona 15 Watt, por lo que se trata de un inyector 802.3af-PoE (como se desprende del cálculo de la potencia de salida marcada en la etiqueta: 56V * 0.85A = 15.6 Watt):


El problema es que los APs de las series x800 como el 3802 que tú tienes, es que se comportan de manera herrática cuando tienen menos potencia de la requerida, que en estos APs es de 30Watt (802.3at PoE+), y en este caso particular, lo que hacen es deshabilitar las radios, por eso no ves ningún SSID.

Trata de utilziar un inyector certificado PoE+ al menos, sirve uno de Cisco o uno de terceros, pero ha de ser certificado 802.3at PoE+.

View solution in original post

22 Replies 22

Level 1
Level 1

Buenos días;

@Daniel Ordóñez Flores creo que vi varias respuestas tuyas que hablabas de que es necesario saber si por licencia está permitido;


Aquí va el sh ver;

Cisco AP Software, (ap3g3), C3802, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed Jul 29 00:28:31 PDT 2020

ROM: Bootstrap program is U-Boot boot loader
BOOTLDR: U-Boot boot loader Version 2013.01-gf899470 (Aug 16 2018 - 15:50:45)

APB811.4B7A.B62E uptime is 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes
Last reload time : Fri Oct 1 01:15:31 UTC 2021
Last reload reason : Capwap Discovery Failed

--More-- [*10/01/2021 01:19:36.0529]
[*10/01/2021 01:19:36.0529] CAPWAP State: Discovery
[*10/01/2021 01:19:36.0575] Discovery Request sent to, discovery type UNKNOWN(0)
[*10/01/2021 01:19:36.0592] Discovery Request sent to ff02::18c, discovery type UNKNOWN(0)
cisco AIR-AP3802E-E-K9 ARMv7 Processor rev 1 (v7l) with 1028260/563200K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FCZ2540R180
AP Running Image :
Primary Boot Image :
Backup Boot Image :
Primary Boot Image Hash:
Backup Boot Image Hash:
1 Multigigabit Ethernet interfaces
1 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2 802.11 Radios
Radio Driver version :
Radio FW version :
NSS FW version : 2.4.28

Base ethernet MAC Address : B8:11:4B:7A:B6:2E
Part Number : 0-000000-00
PCA Assembly Number : 800-105812-03
PCA Revision Number : B0
PCB Serial Number : FOC25311MHU
Top Assembly Part Number : 800-105812-03
Top Assembly Serial Number : FCZ2540R180
Top Revision Number : C0
Product/Model Number : AIR-AP3802E-E-K9

Hola @oscar-rodriguez 

No es un tema de licencias, es tener un contrato de soporte valido con cisco para que tengas acceso  a la descarga de la imagen. Este modelo de equipo es capaz de funcionar como un controlador, y puede, usarse se manera independiente o bien como punto central de configuración para más equipos.

El modo se llama Mobility Express.

Espero que la información haya sido útil y si no tienes más preguntas recuerda cerrar el topic, seleccionando la respuesta como "Respuesta correcta"
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**Por favor si la información fue util marca esta respuesta como correcta**

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


 - Para este punto de acceso, el tipo de punto sea independiente significa instalar el software Mobility Express en él.


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '

Level 1
Level 1

Buenas Noches, pues ya lo tengo configurado con ME, lo tengo como controladora y como AP, y creé un SSID.

El problema es que el AP sigue parpadeando en verde-azul-rojo y lo peor, es que la red que creé no la puedo ver en ningún dispositivo.


Gracias por la ayuda.

Hola @oscar-rodriguez 

Pues ya has hecho la mayor parte, vayamos por pedacitos

  1. Cuando entras al Dashboard de tu WLC ves el AP registrado o esta en cero?

Si esta en cero, entonces, entra por cli al contexto del AP; esto se logra con el mando apcisoshell (te va a pedir las contraseñas que hayas configurado para administrar los APs, si no las tienes aun entonces puedes entrar con Cisco/Cisco)

Ya una vez en el contexto del AP asigna el registo del AP con el comando: capwap ap primary-base <nombre del WLC> <IP del WLC>

2. En caso de que si veas el AP registrado verifica que el switch donde tienes conectado el AP entregue al menos 30W, si usas un switch con, es decir, solo PoE con 15.4 W, los radios no van a encender y por consecuencia no vas a ver las redes.

Si quieres te puedo ayudar con una sesión de anydesk, creo que puede ser bastante rápido

Espero que la información haya sido útil y si no tienes más preguntas recuerda cerrar el topic, seleccionando la respuesta como "Respuesta correcta"
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Buenos días;

muchas gracias por tu pronta respuesta. Tengo una red creada (SSID) y un AP, el ap lo tengo conectado por un power injector.


Ojo, a ver si tengo mal pensada la topología;


Yo tengo un router de esos de un ISP cualquiera que es router/switch y wifi controller a la vez, y con este proyecto lo que estoy intentando hacer es conectar esta nueva antena (AP) por medio del SW del ISP.

Puede ser que como el router ya tenga controladora no me esté integrando este AP? ves factible lo que estoy intentando? al final lo que me gustaría conseguir es utilizar este AP como potenciador del WiFi de casa y con más posibilidades de gestión y seguridad.



Muchas gracias y si hiciesemos un anydesk sería genial, sólo proponme una hora, yo vivo en España, GMT+1.

Hola @oscar-rodriguez 

EL AP 3800 de Cisco solo va a integrar dispositivos de marca Cisco

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The AP will work fine with *any* router or switch - they do not need to be Cisco products or "integrated"!
Mine is working off a ZTE home broadband router provided by my ISP. I just have the broadband router and AP broadcasting different SSIDs.

The key point as already mentioned is that you need to have an 802.3at (POE+) power source (POE+ switch or AIR-PWRINJ6= power injector). That means it must deliver up to 30W power *and* must also support CDP or LLDP - which is required for the AP to negotiate the required power.

Another common problem is forgetting that ME operates as separate WLC + AP functions and each requires it's own IP address. So you must have a DHCP server to supply those 2 IP addresses or you must statically configure both the WLC and AP part IPs. It should not be necessary to configure the primary-base because the AP will discover the WLC by broadcast as soon as it has a functional IP address on the same subnet as the WLC.

Level 1
Level 1

Good evening;

So, I don´t understand what is happening, I have AP 3802 in ME version conected to a ZTE router and a power injector. I already have an IP for cisco controller and cisco AP too and I can reach both from my laptop by ping and https to the controller.

But I cannot see the SSID created in my laptop and any smartphone either!

What power injector are you using?
As already explained, if the power is wrong, the AP's radio's will be disabled.
Is the AP joined to the WLC? (show ap summary)
What is the WLAN status showing on the WLC? (show wlan summary)
Make sure the WLAN(s) are provisioned on the AP and radios up:
show ap wlan 802.11-abgn <ap name>
show ap wlan 802.11a <ap-name>
show ap config slot 0 <ap-name>
show ap config slot 1 <ap-name>

You should expect to see this for both radios:
Administrative State ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State UP

Good afternoon,

What power injector are you using? POE16U-1AF  P/N: 341-0556-01A1

(Cisco Controller) >show ap summ

Number of APs.................................... 1

Global AP User Name.............................. user
Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not Configured
Global AP Dot1x EAP Method....................... EAP-FAST

* prefix indicates Cisco Internal AP

AP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Country IP Address Clients DSE Location
------------------------------ ----- -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ------- --------------
*MIAP 3 AIR-AP3802E-E-K9 b8:11:4b:7a:b6:2e default location ES 0 [0 ,0 ,0 ]

(Cisco Controller) >show wlan summ

Number of WLANs.................................. 1

WLAN ID WLAN Profile Name / SSID Status Interface Name
------- ------------------------------------- -------- --------------------
1 EMPLOYEE / EMPLOYEE Enabled management

(Cisco Controller) >show ap wlan 802.11-abgn MIAP

Site Name...................................... default-group
Site Description................................. <none>
Slot-Id.......................................... 0

WLAN ID Interface BSSID ATF Override ATF Policy ID ATF Policy Name
------- ----------- -------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 management b8:11:4b:b7:62:e0 n/a n/a n/a

(Cisco Controller) >show ap wlan 802.11a MIAP

Site Name...................................... default-group
Site Description................................. <none>
Slot-Id.......................................... 1

WLAN ID Interface BSSID ATF Override ATF Policy ID ATF Policy Name
------- ----------- -------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 management b8:11:4b:b7:62:ef n/a n/a n/a

(Cisco Controller) >show ap config slot 0 MIAP

Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 0
Cisco AP Name.................................... MIAP
Country code..................................... ES - Spain
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-E 802.11a:-E
AP Country code.................................. ES - Spain
AP Regulatory Domain............................. -E
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... b8:11:4b:7a:b6:2e
IP Address Configuration......................... Static IP assigned
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
Gateway IP Addr..................................
Name Server......................................
NAT External IP Address.......................... None
CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
DHCP Release Override............................ Disabled
Telnet State..................................... Globally Disabled
Ssh State........................................ Specifically Enabled
Serial Console State............................. Enabled
NSI Ports State.................................. Globally Enabled

--More-- or (q)uit
Virtual IP Address............................... Not Configured
Cisco AP Type.................................... MobilityExpress Capable AP
Cisco Internal AP................................ Yes
Cisco AP Location................................ default location
Cisco AP Floor Label............................. 0
Cisco AP Group Name.............................. default-group
Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ AP
Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
AP Mode ......................................... FlexConnect
Public Safety ................................... Disabled
ATF Mode ........................................ Disable
AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
Rogue Detection ................................. Enabled
AP Vlan Trunking ................................ Disabled
Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
Logging trap severity level ..................... informational

--More-- or (q)uit
KPI not configured ..............................
Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
S/W Version ....................................
Boot Version ...................................
Mini IOS Version ................................
Stats Reporting Period .......................... 30
Stats Collection Mode ........................... normal
Radio Core Mode ................................. Normal
Slub Debug Mode ................................. Disabled
Static Ip Failover .............................. Enabled
LED State........................................ Enabled
PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector/Medium Power (15.4 W)
Number Of Slots.................................. 3
AP Model......................................... AIR-AP3802E-E-K9
AP Image......................................... AP3G3-K9W8-M
IOS Version......................................
Reset Button..................................... Enabled
AP Serial Number................................. FCZ2540R180
AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
AP LAG Configuration Status ..................... Disabled
LAG Support for AP .............................. Yes

--More-- or (q)uit
AP multicast mode :.............................. Disabled
Native Vlan Inheritance: ........................ Group
FlexConnect Vlan mode :.......................... Disabled
FlexConnect Group................................ default-flexgroup
Group VLAN ACL Mappings

Group VLAN Name to Id Mappings

AP-Specific FlexConnect Policy ACLs :
L2Acl Configuration ............................. Not Available

FlexConnect Local-Split ACLs :
------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------

Flexconnect Central-Dhcp Values :

WLAN ID PROFILE NAME Central-Dhcp DNS Override Nat-Pat Type
------- --------------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------- ------
1 EMPLOYEE False False False Wlan

Flex AVC visibility Configurations..............

--More-- or (q)uit

WlanId PROFILE NAME Inherit-level Visibility Flex Avc-profile
------- -------------------------------- ------------- ---------- --------------------------------
1 EMPLOYEE flexgroup disable none

FlexConnect Backup Auth Radius Servers :
Primary Radius Server........................... Disabled
Secondary Radius Server......................... Disabled
FlexConnect Radius/Local Auth Parameters :
Radius Retransmit Count......................... 3 (default)
Active Radius Timeout........................... 5 (default)

AP User Mode................................... AUTOMATIC
AP User Name..................................... user
AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x EAP Method.............................. EAP-FAST
Cisco AP system logging host.....................
AP Up Time....................................... 0 days, 00 h 11 m 21 s
AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 0 days, 00 h 07 m 36 s
Join Date and Time............................... Mon May 6 19:46:18 2024
Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 03 m 44 s
Unencrypted Data Keep Alive ..................... Enable

--More-- or (q)uit
AP broken antenna detection - Status ............ Disabled (Global)

Attributes for Slot 0
Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211n-DualBand
Radio Subtype................................ TX and RX Radio
Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ............................. DOWN
Operation State Down Cause................... Radio reset due to (41) inline CDP low power mode holddown
Operation State Down Code.................... RADIO_RC_EXIT_LOW_PWR
Mesh Radio Role ............................. ACCESS
Radio Role .................................. Client Serving (Remote)
Assignment Method.......................... Auto
Band....................................... 2.4GHz
Reason..................................... N/A
DART Connector Status........................ Not Connected
Radio Role Op................................ Auto
DualRadio Mode Op............................ None
DualRadio Mode .............................. None
CellId ...................................... 0

Station Configuration
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
Number Of WLANs ........................... 1

--More-- or (q)uit
Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
CFP Period ................................ 4
CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
BSSID ..................................... b8:11:4b:b7:62:e0
Operation Rate Set
11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
6000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
12000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
24000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
MCS 0.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 1.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 2.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 3.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 4.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 5.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 6.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 7.................................... SUPPORTED

--More-- or (q)uit
MCS 8.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 9.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 10................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 11................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 12................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 13................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 14................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 15................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 16................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 17................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 18................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 19................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 20................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 21................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 22................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 23................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 24................................... DISABLED
MCS 25................................... DISABLED
MCS 26................................... DISABLED
MCS 27................................... DISABLED
MCS 28................................... DISABLED
MCS 29................................... DISABLED
MCS 30................................... DISABLED

--More-- or (q)uit
MCS 31................................... DISABLED
802.11ac MCS Set
Nss=1: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED
Nss=2: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED
Nss=3: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED
Nss=4: MCS 0-9 .......................... DISABLED
Beacon Period ............................. 100
Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
Country String ............................ ES

Multi Domain Capability
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
First Chan Num ............................ 0
Number Of Channels ........................ 0

MAC Operation Parameters
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64

Tx Power

--More-- or (q)uit
Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 6
Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 15 dBm
Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 12 dBm
Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 9 dBm
Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 6 dBm
Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 3 dBm
Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 2 dBm
Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
Tx Power Assigned By ...................... DTPC

Phy DSSS parameters
Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
Current Channel ........................... 1
Channel Assigned By ....................... DCA Default
Extension Channel ......................... NONE
Channel Width.............................. 20MHz
Allowed Channel List....................... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,
......................................... 13
Current CCA Mode .......................... 0
ED Threshold .............................. -50
DCA Channel List........................... Global
Legacy Tx Beamforming Configuration ....... AUTOMATIC

--More-- or (q)uit
Legacy Tx Beamforming ..................... DISABLED
Antenna Type............................... EXTERNAL_ANTENNA
External Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
802.11n Antennas
A....................................... ENABLED
B....................................... ENABLED
C....................................... ENABLED
D....................................... ENABLED

Performance Profile Parameters
Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
Interference threshold..................... 10 %
Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
Client threshold........................... 12 clients
Coverage SNR threshold..................... 12 dB
Coverage exception level................... 25 %
Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
Rogue Containment Information
Containment Count............................ 0

--More-- or (q)uit
CleanAir Management Information
CleanAir Capable......................... Yes
CleanAir Management Admin State 2.4G..... Enabled
CleanAir Management Admin State 5G....... Enabled
CleanAir Management Operation State 2.... Down
CleanAir Management Operation State 5.... Down
Rapid Update Mode........................ Off
Spectrum Expert connection............... Enabled
CleanAir NSI Key....................... 7F1720BD2D874769185B021F1FFCD7F9
Spectrum Expert Connections counter.... 0
CleanAir Sensor State.................... Radio is disabled. Turn ON radio to enable CleanAir functionality

Radio Extended Configurations
Beacon period.............................. 100 milliseconds
Beacon range............................... AUTO
Multicast buffer........................... AUTO
Multicast data-rate........................ AUTO
RX SOP threshold........................... DEFAULT
CCA threshold.............................. AUTO
AMSDU Max Length................................. 8K(7935)

(Cisco Controller) >?

apciscoshell Go to AP Console
clear Clear selected configuration elements.
config Configure switch options and settings.
cping Send capwap echo packets to a specified mobility peer IP address.
debug Manages system debug options.
eping Send Ethernet-over-IP echo packets to a specified mobility peer IP address.
grep Print lines matching a pattern.
help Help
linktest Perform a link test to a specified MAC address.
logout Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.
ping Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address.
reset Reboot (hard reload) options.
restart Restart (soft reload) the switch.
save Save switch configurations.
show Display switch options and settings.
test Test trigger commands
transfer Transfer a file to or from the switch.

(Cisco Controller) >show ap config slot 1 MIAP

Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 0
Cisco AP Name.................................... MIAP
Country code..................................... ES - Spain
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-E 802.11a:-E
AP Country code.................................. ES - Spain
AP Regulatory Domain............................. -E
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... b8:11:4b:7a:b6:2e
IP Address Configuration......................... Static IP assigned
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
Gateway IP Addr..................................
Name Server......................................
NAT External IP Address.......................... None
CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
DHCP Release Override............................ Disabled
Telnet State..................................... Globally Disabled
Ssh State........................................ Specifically Enabled
Serial Console State............................. Enabled
NSI Ports State.................................. Globally Enabled

--More-- or (q)uit
Virtual IP Address............................... Not Configured
Cisco AP Type.................................... MobilityExpress Capable AP
Cisco Internal AP................................ Yes
Cisco AP Location................................ default location
Cisco AP Floor Label............................. 0
Cisco AP Group Name.............................. default-group
Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ AP
Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
AP Mode ......................................... FlexConnect
Public Safety ................................... Disabled
ATF Mode ........................................ Disable
AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
Rogue Detection ................................. Enabled
AP Vlan Trunking ................................ Disabled
Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
Logging trap severity level ..................... informational

--More-- or (q)uit
KPI not configured ..............................
Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
S/W Version ....................................
Boot Version ...................................
Mini IOS Version ................................
Stats Reporting Period .......................... 30
Stats Collection Mode ........................... normal
Radio Core Mode ................................. Normal
Slub Debug Mode ................................. Disabled
Static Ip Failover .............................. Enabled
LED State........................................ Enabled
PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector/Medium Power (15.4 W)
Number Of Slots.................................. 3
AP Model......................................... AIR-AP3802E-E-K9
AP Image......................................... AP3G3-K9W8-M
IOS Version......................................
Reset Button..................................... Enabled
AP Serial Number................................. FCZ2540R180
AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
AP LAG Configuration Status ..................... Disabled
LAG Support for AP .............................. Yes

--More-- or (q)uit
AP multicast mode :.............................. Disabled
Native Vlan Inheritance: ........................ Group
FlexConnect Vlan mode :.......................... Disabled
FlexConnect Group................................ default-flexgroup
Group VLAN ACL Mappings

Group VLAN Name to Id Mappings

AP-Specific FlexConnect Policy ACLs :
L2Acl Configuration ............................. Not Available

FlexConnect Local-Split ACLs :
------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------

Flexconnect Central-Dhcp Values :

WLAN ID PROFILE NAME Central-Dhcp DNS Override Nat-Pat Type
------- --------------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------- ------
1 EMPLOYEE False False False Wlan

Flex AVC visibility Configurations..............

--More-- or (q)uit

WlanId PROFILE NAME Inherit-level Visibility Flex Avc-profile
------- -------------------------------- ------------- ---------- --------------------------------
1 EMPLOYEE flexgroup disable none

FlexConnect Backup Auth Radius Servers :
Primary Radius Server........................... Disabled
Secondary Radius Server......................... Disabled
FlexConnect Radius/Local Auth Parameters :
Radius Retransmit Count......................... 3 (default)
Active Radius Timeout........................... 5 (default)

AP User Mode................................... AUTOMATIC
AP User Name..................................... user
AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x EAP Method.............................. EAP-FAST
Cisco AP system logging host.....................
AP Up Time....................................... 0 days, 00 h 12 m 03 s
AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 0 days, 00 h 08 m 18 s
Join Date and Time............................... Mon May 6 19:46:18 2024
Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 03 m 44 s
Unencrypted Data Keep Alive ..................... Enable

--More-- or (q)uit
AP broken antenna detection - Status ............ Disabled (Global)

Attributes for Slot 1
Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211ac-5
Radio Subband................................ RADIO_SUBBAND_ALL
Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ............................. DOWN
Operation State Down Cause................... Radio reset due to (41) inline CDP low power mode holddown
Operation State Down Code.................... RADIO_RC_EXIT_LOW_PWR
Mesh Radio Role ............................. ACCESS
Radio Role .................................. Client Serving (Remote)
Radio Role Op................................ None
DualRadio Mode Op............................ None
DualRadio Mode .............................. None
CellId ...................................... 0

Station Configuration
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
Number Of WLANs ........................... 1
Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
CFP Period ................................ 4
CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
BSSID ..................................... b8:11:4b:b7:62:e0

--More-- or (q)uit
Operation Rate Set
6000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
12000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
24000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
MCS 0.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 1.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 2.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 3.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 4.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 5.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 6.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 7.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 8.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 9.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 10................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 11................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 12................................... SUPPORTED

--More-- or (q)uit
MCS 13................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 14................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 15................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 16................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 17................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 18................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 19................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 20................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 21................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 22................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 23................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 24................................... DISABLED
MCS 25................................... DISABLED
MCS 26................................... DISABLED
MCS 27................................... DISABLED
MCS 28................................... DISABLED
MCS 29................................... DISABLED
MCS 30................................... DISABLED
MCS 31................................... DISABLED
802.11ac MCS Set
Nss=1: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED
Nss=2: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED
Nss=3: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED

--More-- or (q)uit
Nss=4: MCS 0-9 .......................... DISABLED
Beacon Period ............................. 100
Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
Country String ............................ ES

Multi Domain Capability
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
First Chan Num ............................ 0
Number Of Channels ........................ 0

MAC Operation Parameters
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64

Tx Power
Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 7
Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 18 dBm
Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 15 dBm
Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 12 dBm
Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 9 dBm

--More-- or (q)uit
Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 6 dBm
Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 3 dBm
Tx Power Level 7 .......................... 2 dBm
Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
Tx Power Assigned By ...................... DTPC

Phy OFDM parameters
Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
Current Channel ........................... 36
Channel Assigned By ....................... DCA
Extension Channel ......................... NONE
Channel Width.............................. 20MHz
Allowed Channel List....................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,
......................................... 104,108,112,116,120,124,128,
......................................... 132,136,140
TI Threshold .............................. -50
DCA Channel List........................... Global
Legacy Tx Beamforming Configuration ....... AUTOMATIC
Legacy Tx Beamforming ..................... DISABLED
Antenna Type............................... EXTERNAL_ANTENNA
External Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED

--More-- or (q)uit
802.11n Antennas
A....................................... ENABLED
B....................................... ENABLED
C....................................... ENABLED
D....................................... ENABLED

Performance Profile Parameters
Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
Interference threshold..................... 10 %
Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
Client threshold........................... 12 clients
Coverage SNR threshold..................... 16 dB
Coverage exception level................... 25 %
Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
Rogue Containment Information
Containment Count............................ 0

CleanAir Management Information
CleanAir Capable......................... Yes
CleanAir Management Administration St.... Enabled
CleanAir Management Operation State...... Down

--More-- or (q)uit
Rapid Update Mode........................ Off
Spectrum Expert connection............... Enabled
CleanAir NSI Key....................... 7F1720BD2D874769185B021F1FFCD7F9
Spectrum Expert Connections counter.... 0
CleanAir Sensor State.................... Radio is disabled. Turn ON radio to enable CleanAir functionality

Radio Extended Configurations
Beacon period.............................. 100 milliseconds
Beacon range............................... AUTO
Multicast buffer........................... AUTO
Multicast data-rate........................ AUTO
RX SOP threshold........................... DEFAULT
CCA threshold.............................. AUTO
AMSDU Max Length................................. 8K(7935)


Hola @oscar-rodriguez 

El operation state de tus APs es down. pore eso no ves los SSIDS, tienes any desk para hacer una sesión?

Espero que la información haya sido útil y si no tienes más preguntas recuerda cerrar el topic, seleccionando la respuesta como "Respuesta correcta"
**Please rate the answer if this information was useful***
**Por favor si la información fue util marca esta respuesta como correcta**

> What power injector are you using? POE16U-1AF P/N: 341-0556-01A1
POE16U-1AF = Power Injector (802.3af) for AP 1600, 2600 and 3600
That power injector supports maximum 15.4W (802.3af) POE. As already explained, the 3802 AP requires 30W 802.3at POE for the radios to operate. The AP radios cannot and will not operate on that power injector.

Either get a switch which supports 802.3at (POE+) power or get the correct Cisco power injector: AIR-PWRINJ6=

Level 1
Level 1

sorry about the answer above I don´t understang nothing, so I preffered to send you everything.

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