06-19-2019 11:23 PM
Hi all!
I have a problem getting dual stack sessions up with SLAAC and Prefix delegation via DHCPv6. The PPPoE session is created normally, IPv4 + SLAAC are set up and then the DHCPv6 server responds to the SOLICIT with an ADVERTISE containing the prefix and dns servers. unfortunately I think this ADVERTISE is not making it to the PPPoE client so the PD and DHCP binding is never created.
I have this working fine on some ASR1000s and am trying to migrate. Please help. Here's my BNG config
This is an ARS9001 running IOS XR 6.6.2
pool vrf default ipv4 WAN_IPv4_PRIVATE_POOL
pool vrf default ipv6 LAN_IPv6_POOL
prefix-length 56
network 2002:bb8:a100::/40
pool vrf default ipv6 WAN_IPv6_POOL
prefix-length 64
prefix-range 2002:bb8:af00:c000:: 2002:bb8:af00:ffff::
dhcp ipv6
profile DHCP_PPPoE server
lease 8
dns-server 2002:bb8:1::5 2002:bb8:1::6
aaa dhcpv6-option force-insert
prefix-pool LAN_IPv6_POOL
interface subscriber-pppoe profile DHCP_PPPoE
type ppp NBN_TPL
ppp authentication pap chap
keepalive 30 5
ppp ipcp dns xx.xx.125.2 xx.xx.125.66
ppp ipcp peer-address pool WAN_IPv4_PRIVATE_POOL
accounting aaa list default type session periodic-interval 5
ipv4 mtu 1492
ipv4 verify unicast source reachable-via rx
ipv4 unnumbered Loopback1
ipv6 nd framed-prefix-pool WAN_IPv6_POOL
ipv6 mtu 1492
ipv6 enable
dhcpv6 delegated-prefix-pool LAN_IPv6_POOL
interface Bundle-Ether10
mtu 9216
lacp mode active
interface Bundle-Ether10.3000
ipv4 point-to-point
ipv6 enable
ipv6 tcp-mss-adjust enable
service-policy type control subscriber NBN_PM
pppoe enable bba-group NBN
bundle load-balancing hash dst-ip
encapsulation ambiguous dot1q 3000-3999 second-dot1q any
interface Loopback0
interface Loopback1
ipv4 address xx.xx.237.12
ipv6 address fe80::bba link-local
ipv6 enable
pppoe bba-group NBN
sessions mac limit 2
class-map type control subscriber match-any NBN_CM
match protocol ppp dhcpv6
policy-map type control subscriber NBN_PM
event session-activate match-first
class type control subscriber NBN_CM do-until-failure
10 authenticate aaa list default
event session-start match-first
class type control subscriber NBN_CM do-all
10 activate dynamic-template NBN_TPL
debug from dhcp ipv6
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.136 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP320: dhcpv6d_iox_l3_conn_handler: Received the packet from CLIENT
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP763: PKT IPv6 DHCP: Detailed packet contents
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP762: PKT: src:fe80::1d32:1883:e593:a2ee dest:ff02::1:2
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP758: PKT: type: SOLICIT dhcp->type:1 dhcp->xid:8634691
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:CLIENTID(1) optlen:10
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP725: PKT: duidbuf: 0003000118f1453b3e42
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:ELAPSED-TIME(8) optlen:2
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP738: PKT: elaspsed_time:903
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:ORO(6) optlen:8
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP734: PKT: option: DOMAIN-LIST
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP734: PKT: option: VENDOR-OPTS
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.137 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP734: PKT: option: SNTP-ADDRESS
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP734: PKT: option: DNS-SERVERS
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:VENDOR-CLASS(16) optlen:18
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:IA-PD(25) optlen:12
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP748: PKT: IAID 0x0x0 (0) T1:0x0 (0) T2:0x0 (0)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP210: dhcpv6d_fill_message_info_structure called
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP214: dhcpv6d_fill_message_info_structure: dhcpv6 message copied to dhcpv6_message_st
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP193: dhcpv6d_option_parse option type 1 present at 0 offset
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP193: dhcpv6d_option_parse option type 8 present at 14 offset
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP193: dhcpv6d_option_parse option type 6 present at 20 offset
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.138 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP193: dhcpv6d_option_parse option type 16 present at 32 offset
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP193: dhcpv6d_option_parse option type 25 present at 54 offset
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP190: dhcpv6d_subopt_parse: dhcpv6d option ia_pd present
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_msg_validate 0 1
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP230: dhcpv6d_update_status_code_in_pktinfo: status code = 0, partial stat = 0
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP191: dhcpv6d_opt_find: option type 16 present at 32 offset
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: ent id is 00000de9
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: vendor str is dslforum.org
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_is_match_option_filter_drop: profile name: DHCP_PPPoE mode: 1
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_is_match_option_filter_drop: Vendor-id is not empty
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_is_match_option_filter_drop: match option 16 eid default action: 0
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_iox_wild_card_str_match: Wildcard queue is not initialized mode 1
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_is_match_option_filter_drop: filter entry not founddefault action 0
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP4514: dhcpv6d_enqueue_msg: SUCCESS - IAID validation
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP262: dhcpv6d_validate_client_entry_with_pkt_info message type 0x1 (1)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.139 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP271: case IAPD
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.140 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP460: handle_multi_solicit: all iaid's present: num_iaid:1 msgiaid1:0x0 (0) msg_iaid2:18 pf1:0x1 (1) pf2:0x0 (0)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.140 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP124: MEM ALLOC clone 0x4a157f18 (1242922776), size 0x603 (1539)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.140 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_enqueue_event: after get fsm event=2 state=3fsm =4a1a3f16 ia_type=1 ia_id
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.140 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP465: fsm enqueue_event: event:RX_PPPOE_SOLICIT_MSG_EVT(2) ia_id:0x0x0 (0) ifh:0x0xe20 (3616) msg:0x4a157f18 (1242922776)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.140 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6_enqueue_event_pkt: fsm_event =2 fsm_pkt=4a230034wakeup_scheduler=1
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.140 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE EVENT: TP531: Enqueued packet to FSM from intf Bundle-Ether10.3000.pppoe49 DUID:0x00-03-00-01-18-f1-45-3b-3e-42 iaid:0x0x0 (0) iox_pak:0x0x4a1572f0 (1242919664) clone:0x0x4a157f18 (1242922776)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.140 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP125: MEM ALLOC - Free, pkt_info:0x4a1572f0 (1242919664), size:1539
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.141 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP376: PPPoE solicit handler client:0x4a2303b0 (1243808688) fsm:0x4a1a3f16 (1243234070)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.141 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP387: fsm: fwd advt to client client:0x4a2303b0 (1243808688)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.141 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 SERVER INTERNAL: TP572: dhcpv6d_subdb_read_session_config: sublabel = 107
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.141 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: DHCPv6 aaa option cnt: 0:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.141 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 SERVER INTERNAL: TP5204: DHCPv6 aaa option cnt: 0 for mac: 18f1.453b.3e42
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.141 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP5213: Read client: 0x4a2303b0 (1243808688) aaa 0 options of total_len: 0
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.141 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_create_advt_reply_msg_pdu: Start, client 16777288 dhcpv6_opt 0x4a211e42 msg_len 18 pdu_len 135
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP254: dhcpv6d_create_advt_reply_msg_pdu: IAPD added
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP248: dhcpv6d_form_ia_pd_iaprefix_option num_iaid: 1 iaid 0
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_create_advt_reply_msg_pdu: IAPD Offset 45
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_create_advt_reply_msg_pdu: Final, dhcpv6_opt 0x4a211e93 msg_len 99 pdu_len 135
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP255: dhcpv6d_create_advt_reply_msg_pdu: dns address requested
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP334: dhcpv6d_l3_send_pkt_to_client: Sending Packet to Client
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP328: Pre-route pkt on interface: Bundle-Ether10.3000.pppoe49
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP5327: Pre-route pkt on interface: inner vlan 0xec8f (60559) outer vlan 0xef4a (61258)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP765: PKT IPv6 DHCP: Det pkt cntents
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP762: PKT: src:fe80::fa7b:20ff:fe1b:c3eb dest:fe80::1d32:1883:e593:a2ee
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.142 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP758: PKT: type: ADVERTISE dhcp->type:2 dhcp->xid:8634691
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:SERVERID(2) optlen:10
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP725: PKT: duidbuf: 00030001f87b201bc8ef
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:CLIENTID(1) optlen:10
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP725: PKT: duidbuf: 0003000118f1453b3e42
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:VENDOR-CLASS(16) optlen:18
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:IA-PD(25) optlen:41
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP748: PKT: IAID 0x0x0 (0) T1:0x54600 (345600) T2:0x87000 (552960)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:IAPREFIX(26) optlen:25
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP750: PKT: preferred
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP752: PKT: optdata: 691200
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.143 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP753: PKT: valid
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP755: PKT: 0xa8c00 (691200)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP756: PKT: prefix: 2002:bb8:a100:800:: prefixlen: 0x38 (56)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:DNS-SERVERS(23) optlen:32
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP744: PKT: ipv6_addr:2002:bb8:1::5
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP744: PKT: ipv6_addr:2002:bb8:1::6
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE EVENT: TP533: Packet sent to client: DUID: 0x00-03-00-01-18-f1-45-3b-3e-42 IFH:0xe20 (3616) src:fe80::fa7b:20ff:fe1b:c3eb dst:fe80::1d32:1883:e593:a2ee
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_fsm_pkt_handler after next_event=102, next_state=21
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP125: MEM ALLOC - Free, pkt_info:0x4a157f18 (1242922776), size:1539
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jun 20 16:17:47.144 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_fsm_pkt_handler:no next event
#show dhcp ipv6 server binding
Thu Jun 20 16:20:46.423 AEST
Total number of clients: 1
DUID : 0003000118f1453b3e42
MAC Address: 18f1.453b.3e42
Client Link Local: fe80::1d32:1883:e593:a2ee
Sublabel: 0x6b
IA ID: 0x0
IPv6 Prefix: 2002:bb8:a100:800::/56 (Bundle-Ether10.3000.pppoe49)
lifetime : 240 secs (00:04:00)
expiration: 51 secs (00:00:51)
07-01-2019 07:02 PM - edited 07-01-2019 09:57 PM
Looks like the same issue as here (this person is running 6.1.4): https://community.cisco.com/t5/service-providers-documents/asr9000-xr-bng-and-dual-stack-ipv4-and-ipv6-sessions/tac-p/3328491/highlight/true#M4959
Should I try and downgrade to 5.x to get SLAAC + PD working? I have run out of other things to try
07-08-2019 11:33 PM
I did some more debugging today, I believe this is the issue below - does this mean the dscp is 224? Unfortunately this wholesaler network drops anything except traffic class 0. Is there maybe a way to fix this?
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 9 16:29:49.090 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE EVENT: TP533: Packet sent to client: DUID: 0x00-03-00-01-18-f1-45-ce-3d-64 IFH:0x15120 (86304) src:fe80::fa7b:20ff:fe1b:c3ea dst:fe80::4507:4fca:db67:7780
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 9 16:29:49.090 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_fsm_pkt_handler after next_event=102, next_state=21
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 9 16:29:49.090 AEST: netio[353]: ~ipv6_netio_debug.c,283~ IPV6: source fe80::fa7b:20ff:fe1b:c3ea (local)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 9 16:29:49.090 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP125: MEM ALLOC - Free, pkt_info:0x4a23adac (1243852204), size:1539
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 9 16:29:49.090 AEST: netio[353]: ~ipv6_netio_debug.c,295~ dest fe80::4507:4fca:db67:7780
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 9 16:29:49.090 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6D: dhcpv6d_fsm_pkt_handler:no next event
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 9 16:29:49.090 AEST: netio[353]: ~ipv6_netio_debug.c,298~ traffic class 224, flow 0, len 147+0, prot 17, hops 30, Soutput
07-10-2019 01:22 AM
That should indicate IP Precedence 7 (ToS 224). If you want to set that to zero, have you tried using the inner-cos and outer-cos options in DHCP configuration mode?
07-10-2019 04:31 PM
Hi Aleksandar, thank you for your reply.
I have tried the following configuration now:
#show run dhcp ipv6
Thu Jul 11 09:27:25.343 AEST
dhcp ipv6
profile DHCP_PPPoE server
lease 8
prefix-pool LAN_IPv6_POOL
interface subscriber-pppoe profile DHCP_PPPoE
inner-cos 0
outer-cos 0
Looks like the ADVERTISE is still marked as 224 though
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP328: Pre-route pkt on interface: Bundle-Ether20.3000.pppoe27740
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP5327: Pre-route pkt on interface: inner vlan 0xc8f (3215) outer vlan 0xf4a (3914)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP765: PKT IPv6 DHCP: Det pkt cntents
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP762: PKT: src:fe80::fa7b:20ff:fe1b:c3ea dest:fe80::8001:478c:4027:2f4
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP758: PKT: type: ADVERTISE dhcp->type:2 dhcp->xid:1559057
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:SERVERID(2) optlen:10
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP725: PKT: duidbuf: 00030001f87b201bc8ef
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.608 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:CLIENTID(1) optlen:10
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP725: PKT: duidbuf: 00030001d80d1791dae5
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:IA-NA(3) optlen:18
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP748: PKT: IAID 0x0x0 (0) T1:0x0 (0) T2:0x0 (0)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:STATUS-CODE(13) optlen:2
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP740: PKT: status message:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP739: PKT: Status_code:NOADDRS-AVAIL
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:IA-PD(25) optlen:41
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP748: PKT: IAID 0x0x1 (1) T1:0x54600 (345600) T2:0x87000 (552960)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP723: PKT: optype:IAPREFIX(26) optlen:25
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP750: PKT: preferred
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP752: PKT: optdata: 691200
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.609 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP753: PKT: valid
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP755: PKT: 0xa8c00 (691200)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 PACKET: TP756: PKT: prefix: 2002:db8:b000:100:: prefixlen: 0x38 (56)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE EVENT: TP533: Packet sent to client: DUID: 0x00-03-00-01-d8-0d-17-91-da-e5 IFH:0x196de0 (1666528) src:fe80::fa7b:20ff:fe1b:c3ea dst:fe80::8001:478c:4027:2f4
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP422: fsm: fsm:0x4a24337e (1243886462) ia_id:0x0x0 (0) Free all Addr from DAPS
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: dhcpv6d[1123]: DHCPV6 BASE INTERNAL: TP493: dhcpv6d_fsm_remove_sadb_attrib: client_entry:0x0x4a250bcc (1243941836) uid:16828163 iaid:0x0x0 (0) fsm_state:1 cflg:0x0x82001 (532481)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: netio[353]: ~ipv6_netio_debug.c,283~ IPV6: source fe80::fa7b:20ff:fe1b:c3ea (local)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: netio[353]: ~ipv6_netio_debug.c,295~ dest fe80::8001:478c:4027:2f4
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 11 09:26:58.610 AEST: netio[353]: ~ipv6_netio_debug.c,298~ traffic class 224, flow 0, len 147+0, prot 17, hops 30, Soutput
07-11-2019 03:17 AM
Can you capture the packet to see the actual CoS and ToS values?
10-13-2019 04:40 PM - edited 10-13-2019 04:58 PM
I'm returning to this problem after quite some time :)
How do I capture the packet on this platform?
I am wondering if this SMU from an earlier release made it into 6.6.2...
BNG: Ability to set outer/inner CoS values on L2 QiQ for IPv6 ND RA packets
Apparently it's in - is that part of the normal 6.62 release?
10-14-2019 06:48 AM
CSCvk49155 is integrated in IOS XR release 6.6.2.
The fourth nibble in the IOS XR numbering scheme, which represents the interim periodic build, is dropped when the final image is posted to cisco.com.
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