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How to copy IOS from XR router to XR router?

Level 1
Level 1

I want to copy IOS packages from one XR ASR9K router to other XR ASR9K router, I have tried it via tftp by creating tftp server in one router, but it was unsuccessful.
Please find below logs.

TFTP configuration

tftp vrf default ipv4 server homedir harddisk: max-servers 10
tftp client source-interface Loopback1

Copying file via tftp

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR-R2#copy tftp: harddisk:
Mon May 15 12:57:16.798 IST
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename [/tftp:]?asr9k-px-5.3.4.sp1.tar
Destination filename [/harddisk:/asr9k-px-5.3.4.sp1.tar]?
Accessing tftp://
%Error copying tftp:// (Error opening source file): Connection timed out

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

yeah sorry guys that won't go... like copying one windows or linux distro from one to another device, you almost need to make aperfect mirror of the disk with all the hidden boot parm files etc.

it is best to fresh install a new device via the mini-vm which is the bootable disk image for installation.

that vm file if present on one device can be pulled via (t)ftp.


View solution in original post

7 Replies 7

Sudhir Kumar
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I would suggest first to check the route, file permissions to 777.
You can also check for the blocked process in XR and try restart tftp_fs and sftp-server process.


Hi Sudhir,

Thanks for your help!

I have tried to restart/start the tftp_fs process, but not successful. It is also not showing in processes

Please find below logs

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR-R1#process restart tftp_fs location  0/RSP0/CPU0
Tue May 16 13:28:01.844 IST
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR-R1#process start tftp_fs location  0/RSP0/CPU0  
Tue May 16 13:28:08.398 IST
Can not start, 'Subsystem(1786)' detected the 'warning' condition 'Code(8)'
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR-R1#sh placement program all
Tue May 16 13:25:29.708 IST
Display program related information. This is the program information corresponding to this LR as
perceived by the placement daemon.
                   Process Information
Program                                 Group               jid  Active         Active-state             Standby        Standby-state  
mpp_srvr                                central-services    1123 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv6_mpa                                central-services    1175 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
tty_verifyd                             central-services    1193 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
pbr_ma                                  central-services    1197 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
schema_server                           central-services    1202 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
bfd                                     central-services    1187 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
vidmon_mgr                              central-services    1204 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
auto_ip_ring                            central-services    1185 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
domain_services                         central-services    1188 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv4_mpa                                central-services    1174 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ssh_conf_verifier                       central-services    1152 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
snmppingd                               central-services    1203 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
eth_gl_cfg                              central-services    1176 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ftp_fs                                  central-services    1190 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
bundlemgr_distrib                       central-services    1186 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
rcp_fs                                  central-services    1192 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
nfmgr                                   central-services    1166 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
banner_config                           central-services    1078 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
icpe_satmgr                             central-services    1191 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
qos_ma                                  central-services    1198 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ethernet_stats_controller_edm           central-services    1189 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
intf_mgbl                               central-services    1164 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ssh_server                              central-services    1153 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
hsrp                                    central-services    1107 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv4_connected                          v4-routing          1177 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
policy_repository                       v4-routing          1173 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
mpls_static                             v4-routing          1163 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
bpm                                     v4-routing          1074 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
rt_check_mgr                            v4-routing          1196 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ospf(RNC)                               v4-routing          1018 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv4_rump                               v4-routing          1194 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv4_rib                                v4-routing          1167 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
bgp(default)                            v4-routing          1059 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv4_static                             v4-routing          1043 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
l2vpn_mgr                               v4-routing          1199 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ospf_uv                                 v4-routing          1132 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
l2tp_mgr                                v4-routing          1200 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv4_local                              v4-routing          1178 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
snmpd                                   netmgmt             1146 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
li_mgr                                  netmgmt             1201 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
statsd_manager_g                        netmgmt             1165 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
mrib6                                   mcast-routing       1170 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv6_mfwd_ma                            mcast-routing       1172 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
mld                                     mcast-routing       1182 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
pim6                                    mcast-routing       1184 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
mrib                                    mcast-routing       1169 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
pim                                     mcast-routing       1183 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv4_mfwd_ma                            mcast-routing       1171 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
igmp                                    mcast-routing       1181 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv6_rump                               v6-routing          1195 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv6_local                              v6-routing          1180 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv6_connected                          v6-routing          1179 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    
ipv6_rib                                v6-routing          1168 0/RSP0/CPU0    RUNNING                  NONE           NOT_SPAWNED    

what about the route, file permissions to 777?

yeah sorry guys that won't go... like copying one windows or linux distro from one to another device, you almost need to make aperfect mirror of the disk with all the hidden boot parm files etc.

it is best to fresh install a new device via the mini-vm which is the bootable disk image for installation.

that vm file if present on one device can be pulled via (t)ftp.


Hello xthuijs,

You mention that the mini-vm image can be pulled(if present) from another router's harddisk using tftp. My goal is to turboboot a 9910 from another A9K's harddisk, where I have already placed the mini-vm, through the management LAN. I am trying to copy the image with tftp as a test for the tftp server in the device but it is not working.


TFTP server is running on a ASR9001 with config as follows:


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:RR101#dir harddisk: | in mini
Sat Jun 6 09:39:01.236 ECU
11576 -rw- 668417247 Sat Jun 6 09:24:27 2020 asr9k-mini-px.vm-6.6.3

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:RR101#sh run int mgmtEth 0/RSP0/CPU0/1
Sat Jun 6 09:39:36.380 ECU
interface MgmtEth0/RSP0/CPU0/1
vrf dcn-gfb
ipv4 address

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:RR101#sh run | in tftp
Sat Jun 6 09:40:03.292 ECU
Building configuration...
tftp vrf dcn-gfb ipv4 server homedir harddisk:

The client's configuration is as follows:


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P02#sh run int mgmtEth *
Sat Jun 6 09:40:52.032 ECU
interface MgmtEth0/RSP0/CPU0/0
interface MgmtEth0/RSP0/CPU0/1
vrf dcn-gfb
ipv4 address
interface MgmtEth0/RSP1/CPU0/0
interface MgmtEth0/RSP1/CPU0/1
vrf dcn-gfb
ipv4 address


All RSPs are on the same management LAN. There is just a 2960X in the middle. I have connectivity to the RSP where the tftp server is running:


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P02#ping vrf dcn-gfb
Sat Jun 6 09:30:53.027 ECU
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms


But when I try to copy the file (as a test to see if I can pull a file from the A9K as tftp server) it does not work.


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:IPTCHL2CAR202#copy tftp:// harddisk:
Sat Jun 6 09:30:29.467 ECU
Destination filename [/harddisk:/asr9k-mini-px.vm-6.6.3]?
Copy : Destination exists, overwrite ?[confirm]
Accessing tftp://
%Error copying tftp:// (Error opening source file): No route to host


Both devices have cXR 6.6.3 SP1 running. I want to have this mini-vm image at hand to do a remote turboboot in case the migration to eXR 6.6.3 fails and need to roll back.


I would appreciate any insights on the matter. Thanks!

I think I just found the answer. When starting a tftp copy, not only the tftp client config has to be on the proper vrf, you also have to scpecify the vrf on the copy command. 


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:IPTCHL2CAR202#sh run | in tftp
Sat Jun 6 11:59:51.937 ECU
Building configuration...
tftp client vrf dcn-gfb source-interface MgmtEth0/RSP0/CPU0/1


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:IPTCHL2CAR202#copy tftp: harddisk: vrf dcn-gfb
Sat Jun 6 11:49:43.673 ECU
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename [/tftp:]?asr9k-mini-px.vm-6.6.3
Destination filename [/harddisk:/asr9k-mini-px.vm-6.6.3]?
Accessing tftp://;dcn-gfb/asr9k-mini-px.vm-6.6.3
<-- output ommited -->


Also, tftp has to be enabled on the proper interface in the control-plane configuration on the device who acts as the server.


It shows “no route to host” error on IPTCHL2CAR202.
Can you make sure the tftp server is reachable from IPTCHL2CAR202 on the right vrf?

Also if its reachable through a different vrf (not global) then metions the vrf name while coping like as follows.

copy tftp:// harddisk: vrf
