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Call forwarding not working.

Level 5
Level 5

Does anyone know if there is a reason that CallControlAddress.setForwarding() would always throw CiscoJtapiException.CFWDALL_DESTN_INVALID?

This same address can be forwarded to the same destination successfully when done manually on the phone itself.

Any ideas what would cause this?



7 Replies 7

Thanks for the reponse, David.

We don't use CSS so doubt that is the problem.  I've attached the jtapi log and switch trace of the problem. Do the traces indicate why the forwarding doesn't work?  (JTAPI log timestamps are 9 hours earlier than traces due to geography.)

One instance of the problem is shown in CiscoJtapi_1_4.log, here:

23442: Aug 30 17:29:56.279 CEST %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Response: {

  sequenceNumber = 57

  result         = -1932787596

  description    =


23443: Aug 30 17:29:56.280 CEST %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:[6113]InvalidStateExceptionImpl caught: Attempt to CFWALL to invalid destination

And the corresponding instance in the CTI trace log SDL001_200_000493.txt, here:

70763191.012 |08:30:25.448 |AppInfo  |[CTI-APP] [Line(48199)::star_setCFWD]     (Signal=CtiLineSetForwardReq State=lineState_ready LineNumber=6113, LineHandle: CtiID=1:LineID=48199, LineRequestTimeout=31)

Thanks a lot!


Digit analysis is not  seeing 6114 reachable for the requesting line.

Digit analysis is done on node 2 and only node 1 ccm logs are attached, so I don't know why DA is blocking this request. Good to check if "Secondary Calling Search Space for Forward All" is configured for this line and collect the node 2 ccm logs.

Is this happening for other devices as well or just this device/line?

Thanks Mohan.  I attached which contain node 2.  Do you see anything there that indicates the cause?

Calling Search Space is not used on any DNs, so it I don;t think it should have any effect here.

This is happening for other devices as well.

Thanks again!


It seems trace levels are not set to detailed/debug level. Node 2 log just show DA response with  'BLOCK'. So not much info there. You probably need to raise a case with detailed traces so that CCM team can take a look.

Please turn on debug tracing for Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer, Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server, Cisco CallManager.

Thanks again Mohan.  One last question... All DNs should be on the same node so not sure why node 2 is involved at all. We've tried forwarding 6113 to 6114, 6114 to 6113, and 6113 to 6115. Via JTAPI we always get invalid destination. If done manually on the phones it always works.  Why would manual work but JTAPI not?

I've attached DNA Analysis Output doc.

Does the attached DNA Analysis Output show anything?  We are confused why multiple nodes would be involved since all DNs are part of the same provider.  Thanks!