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Monica Lluis
Level 9
Level 9



There are some known issues that are ongoing post-launch. We'll keep you updated on their status in this post. Please subscribe if you'd like to receive a notice when we make changes.


Issue: “Request Entity Too Large” error message

Description: Some users are seeing this error message when navigating or logging into the Community.request entity too large.PNG


Cause: This is a backend issue with third party metrics analytics that set tags on certain URLs, which caused the loading of the page to fail. The tags have been removed, but the cookies are still cached in the user’s browser.

Recommended Action:  Clear your cache and cookies and restart your browser.


Issue: Email Notifications

Description: Some users might have received many email notifications since yesterday. We apologize for the inconvenience.  We saw three issues:

1) an email notification storm over the last 24 hours,

2) notifications continued after being turned off in subscription settings, and

3) notifications were received for unfamiliar forums.


Email storm: Email notifications were still turned on when the community went into maintenance mode and we started adding content to build out the forums.  The Cisco team caught it, but not before 70 – 100 notifications had entered the email queue.  When we went live, those notifications were automatically sent out.

Notifications continued after subscription updates: This happened because the notifications were already queued up to send when the subscription settings where changed.  Unfortunately, the queue continued to clear out, even though we, and you, had turned off notifications.

Notifications received for unfamiliar forums: As part of merging the two community platforms, we consolidated some forums to streamline the experience.  Old forums that you were subscribed to may have been merged into a forum with a broader focus.  You would have been automatically subscribed to this broader forum as part of the merge.  In this scenario, you could consider subscribing to one or more specific labels instead of the entire forum.  See the Simpler Community Structure blog to find the new home for your favorite topics.  

Recommended Action: Customize your subscriptions and notification settings to your liking.  See the How to Manage Your Community Notifications blog for instructions and tips.


Issue: Users receiving ill formatted reminder email reminders to rate content. 

Description: The emails look like this:

From: 	Cisco Community <>
Hello ${},

Your topic recently received a reply .

Topic: ${notification.message.discussion.topicMessage.subject} 
Date: ${notification.threadFormattedDate}

Did it solve your problem?

Click here to view the reply and mark one as an Accepted Solution.

This helps others find helpful answers in the community too!

These notifications are turned off for now while the development team works through this issue.

Workaround:If you received an email like this, you can ignore it. 



Issue: Redirects from content in Cisco Communities.

Description: Some pieces of content is not getting properly redirected. Thank you for your patience. If there is an urgent need to know the new link, please send an email to with the link in question.


Issue: Login loop  This issue has been resolved

Description: Some users are getting a login loop.

Workaround: Please clear your cookies and cache and re-start your  browser.


Issue: Customer Connection member access to private forums may be delayed

Description: A small percentage of Customer Connection program members must log into Cisco Community and accept the community Terms & Conditions agreement before we can re-establish their access to the private CCP forums.  Affected members have been notified via email.


Issue: Discussion boards not alphabetized

Description: To make community navigation more intuitive, we are working on alphabetizing the discussion board lists on category pages.


Issue: Video files missing

Description: Video files from Cisco Communities must be uploaded manually.  We will complete this project as quickly as possible.  We appreciate your patience.


Issue: Posts Count on users' profiles

Description: The Posts Count on users's profiles is not including the documents created by the user. It is only including the Discussions and replies, as well as videos and blogs in the counts. 


Issue: Labels

Description: There is work being done on relabeling content that was moved and label consolidation on categories and boards. You might see some duplicate labels on some boards.



It seems like some links that worked before the conversion now generate errors? For instance, an important one I am trying to get to is


How can I get to that content now?

Level 1
Level 1

I can no longer access the fire jumper training page.  Is this a known issue?


Network Security Cybersecurity Systems Engineer,



I was eventually able to find the content, so what was at is now at ?

Does this mean all previous doc links will no longer work?

Bill O
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
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