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Monica Lluis
Level 9
Level 9

Huge kudos to all the winners of September 2020 Spotlight Awards. What a nice way to start the Fall! You can see the badges in the winner's profiles as well as at the content level and you will be able to see it at the left of your name during the month of October.

The Community Spotlight Awards recognize members whose significant contributions,  leadership and commitment to their peers within Cisco Community. 

A big Thank You to all individuals who help make our communities the premier online destination for Cisco enthusiasts. 

To learn more, please visit our FAQ. Be the next to be recognized!


English Community Questions Answered, September 2020
Will Wetherman
2020 September
English Community Member's Choice, September 2020
Adam Pawlowski
2020 September
English Community Best Publication, September 2020
English Community Rookie, September 2020
Timothy Huffman
2020 September
English Community, Developer of the Month, September 2020
Umesh Chaurasia
2020 September
English Community CCP Member of the Month, September 2020
Matthew Miktus
2020 September
Spanish Community Best Publication, September 2020
Russian Community Member's Choice, September 2020
Sergey Prishchepa
2020 September
Portuguese Community Best Publication, September 2020
Japanese Community Rookie, September 2020
Yusuke Matsuwaka
2020 September
French Community Rookie, September 2020
Perparim Kadirolli
2020 September
Getting Started

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