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Muhammad Raza
Level 3
Level 3

CVP Standalone Outbound Dialer.png


Well done. Thanks for sharing

Level 1
Level 1

Good one. Thanks!!

Where can we have an official doc for this and tcl script

Level 1
Level 1

Gr88 doc

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for sharing.


Imran Qasim

Community Member

well demonstrated.

Level 1
Level 1


Muhammad Raza
Level 3
Level 3

thanks everyone.

Sheeraz that's a sample studio app provided by Cisco Developer Network team.

I have attached sample application and document.

Thanks for reply Amir, my concern is which party is working as a dialer. Either TCL script runnong on VXML VG will dial or is there any option in VXML Studio containing "make call" or "dial" element which will forward the request to VXML VG.

Waiting for your reply thanks

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for sharing.

Muhammad Raza
Level 3
Level 3


here is your answer,

  1. A tcl      script runs on the egress gateway and periodically polls the VXML gateway      to see if there is an outbound call to make.  It does this by making a SIP call to a      service running on the VXML gateway.

  1. The      VXML gateway service makes an HTTP request to VXML server requesting it to      run the outbound application.

  1. The outbound application sends a SQL      request to the database which runs a query looking for rows with a status      of OUTDIAL_PENDING.

  1. Database      returns a single row indicating either a valid DNIS to call or ‘xxxx’      indicating that it has no outdials to make at the moment.

  1. If      there are no outdials to be made:

  • the appropriate status will be sent back to the VXML gateway which will simply disconnect the polling SIP leg that originated from the egress gateway.  The tcl script on the egress gateway will sleep for X seconds (configurable) before beginning a new polling cycle.

If there is an outdial to be made:

  • the DNIS to call, the CLI to use for the outdial, and optionally the ring-no-answer timeout (rna) and user-to-user info (uui) will be sent back to the VXML gateway.
Level 1
Level 1

Any body tried this ??

Muhammad Raza
Level 3
Level 3

yes, EF tried.

Level 1
Level 1

I had tried this solution but ended up with a problem. In my case, call initiated by application and it starts ringing on destination phone but then it automatically disconnects after some time (around three seconds). In VXML logs, I can see every call is being disconnected after 15 seconds.

Is anyone else also experience this issue or I am the first one? I have also posted a question on the support forum. Any help to resolve this issue will be appreciated.

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