on 01-24-2014 05:15 PM
davidhlender - is there any way to get the username string if the customer is using Finesse 10.x with username logins instead of agent IDs? This method you posted works in my lab when we use agent IDs to log in to Finesse, but the customer tried this when logging in to Finesse (and therefore EIM/WIM) with agent usernames the Credentials.id contains the agent ID instead of the username, so they can't log in to EIM/WIM.
Did you ever get a response on this? We are having the same issue and my call center does not want to start using agent IDs as they have been using the username to login for years.
No, I'm still trying to find a solution through the collaboration BU...
Perform a GET call to get a User object, using the agentID
This will return a User object with loginName providing the user, or agent's name.
Excellent, thank you!
I've updated the original eGain Solutions Plus gadget (iframe with TabVisible features) with single sign-on using the Finesse REST API. Here's the public repository for it: https://bitbucket.org/juxe/gadget-egain-sso
This should also work for EIM/WIM without any changes. If anyone is using the eGain OEM product and can test this, please let me know if it works or not.
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