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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

hi all,

Webex Calling is our leading cloud calling platform that offers great benefits and unique value.
But what are the top reasons (at a high level) that make Webex Calling solution the right choice? 

1. Cisco has a complete calling solution- and yes, it matters! 

Cisco offers a complete calling portfolio: Cloud IPPBX (Webex Calling) + softclients (Webex app) + IPPhones + headsets + Analog Gateways + PSTN Gateways + etc. 

Why is this important? This is super important as it allows customers to build a trusted, secure and efficiently-managed calling solution with unique features. 
Of course, even with Webex Calling, you might need to add solutions from our ecosystem partners - and this is fine. 
The important thing is that you don't need multiple vendors for the core components of the calling solution. 
As we all understand, this aspect becomes extremely critical with troubleshooting tasks and with roll out of new features.

So what happens with calling vendors that miss other core components (phones, gateways, etc)? 

If you need to combine products from multiple vendors to build a decent calling solution, then this introduces risk+complexity+extra costs.

For example: if you have a vendor for cloud calling and other vendor for IPPhones, then you depend long term on the partnership between these two vendors. 
You need to check which features you get with specific phone models. You need to make sure that updates on one side follow the other side, etc. 

In addition, your cloud PBX's management portal (from vendor1) would not be probably sufficient to manage IPPhones (from vendor2). 
So you would need an additional management portal to handle IPPhones (upgrades, phone settings, etc.). 

And still many items that require cooperation between calling platform and phones might not be there.

But even if we go a bit outside core calling components and examine areas of Video devices and Contact Center addons:

With Webex Calling, you can get native registration of Cisco Video devices that allows you to provide internal and external/PSTN services to these devices. Also adding Webex Contact Center to Webex Calling solution is easy and straightforward. 
Needless to say that both Devices and Webex Contact center are managed by Webex Control Hub - our single pane of glass. What is the story with other solutions that have calling from vendor1, video devices from vendor2 and contact center from vendor3?

2. Advanced calling features and continuous innovation 
Webex calling has a rich set of advanced and innovative calling features.
Slide below shows an indicative/partial list of features.
Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 9.18.53 AM.png
I would like to highlight some of them:
- multiline capabilities supported on IPPhones and softclients(webex app) 

- a powerful calling dock widget for Webex app for Windows (planned for MacOS)

- hot desking feature on 88xx/98xx phones that apart from phone login capabilities allows also desk reservation use cases   (stay tuned for furtner enhancements on 9800 IPPhones integration with Cisco Spaces)
- powerful user portal that allows user to finetune their preferences on various calling settings

- admin ability to customize user portal and display only desired settings to users

- registration of Cisco Video devices to offer internal and external calling services
- Audio intelligence features 
a) noise removal (automatically removes noise from the Webex Calling side of the call // available on Webex app and 88xx/98xx IPPhones)
b) noise removal for external audio (removes noise from an external, non-Webex user' side of the call // available on Webex App and 9861/9871 IPPhones)
c) HD voice for external callers (improves richness and clarity of speech with wideband audio // available on Webex app and 9861/9871 IPPhones)
- Advanced routing capabilities at admin and user level (translation patterns, granular outgoing call permissions mechanisms, rich set of call forwarding options, time schedules, etc.)
- Webex Attendant Console -a web-based tool that provides operators, receptionists, and attendants a powerful interface to easily manage a high volume of incoming calls. (intro video and faq)
- Webex Go (availabie only in US, UK and France) - leverage enterprise-level calling features from your mobile's native dialer
- ICE support to allow devices to send media directly to one another, which reduces latency and bandwidth usage.
- Webex Calling survivability - super important to provide a fallback calling service to on-site endpoints for situations when cloud is not reachable
- Native Call recording (new) plus recording solutions from ecosystem partners
- New industry-first Webex AI codec (roadmap) to deliver next-level audio and video experiences that become even better with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

As speed of innovation and addition of new features/enhancements is continuous, please check this community post for latest news: Webex Calling News Feed (at a glance)

Important note:
Don't take for granted that all cloud calling offerings cover the typical calling features you would expect. 
Many times you might see a tickbox that x feature is covered but if you look closer, you will find several caveats. 
Best thing is to evaluate solutions and see them in practice to avoid surprises.
In below community post:
Webex Calling - items to see in a demo/PoC (under construction - soon to be added)
I will try to ''doubleclick'' on Webex Calling features that you could see during demo or POC. 
At same time, highlight that some of the calling features, that you expect, might not be there with cloud calling solution from competitors.

3. Customer Experience(call center) options inside Webex Calling solution
We all agree that the way you handle customer calls is critical for your business.
Webex Calling solution provides powerful capabilities for call handling:
- auto attendants, hunt groups, pickup groups
- sophisticated call forwarding mechanisms on admin and user level
- Attendant Console option (recently added, paid addon) and many more.

Ok so far, this is what you would expect from a good cloud calling solution.
But Webex Calling goes a bit further. It offers two options (Customer Experience Basic and Customer Experience Essentials) that provide call center capabilities within the Webex Calling solution.
In other words, you don't have necessarily (unless you need its advanced contact center feature set) to add Webex Contact Center solution. Let's have a quick look of these options: 

a) Customer Experience Basic is free and included in Webex Calling solution. It offers powerful call queue capabilities, agent controls in Webex app, supervisor functions via Feature Access codes, Management/Analytics/Reporting via Control hub.
b) Customer Experience Essentials is a paid addon and offers, on top of the Basic offering, rich agent and supervisor experience inside Webex app and callerid screen pop mechanism.
For more details on these powerful options, please have a look in below community post:
Webex Calling - unique Customer Experience Basic and Essential options

If you need a quick glance, check this nice short video : Customer Experience Essentials demo (6:22 min)

4. Microsoft Teams integration

Webex has a powerful webex messaging solution but we understand that some customers have standardised their messaging service with Microsoft Teams. For this reason, we have developed the calling integration with Microsoft Teams. This means you use Microsoft Teams as your client and when you place/receive calls, we utilize in a transparent way (Webex app runs in hidden mode) the cisco calling capabilities. So via that path, you keep Microsoft Teams for messaging (and possibly meetings if you have selected that path) but leverage all the advanced calling features that Webex Calling offers. 

Note that integration does not require any additional licenses and is easy to implement (as it is client-side).
Check below community post for more details: 
Webex app calling integration with Microsoft Teams

5. Power of Webex Control Hub - superior management/analytics/troubleshooting

One aspect of the solution that should not be missed is the power of Webex Control Hub - cisco's management portal for all webex services including Webex Calling. With Webex Control Hub you can fully manage your calling/PBX settings, your phones, your video devices, your callcenter options of Webex Calling (Basic or Essentials) or your Webex Contact Center (if you go via that path).
Plus you can, of course, manage other webex services that you might have: messaging, meetings, etc. 

On cloud calling soluton level, you can do a lot of things that are not obvious for competitors (since they lack the complete calling portfolio-see item(1)):
a) you can manage all your user and device calling settings including doing bulk changes, using templates, etc. 

Some links to get a better idea about the above:
b) Control hub offers a rich set of Analytics insights that help you view quickly important aspects of your calling solution.
c) Control hub offers a rich set of Reports on Webex Calling solution (with ability to export, customize, schedule, etc.)
d) CUCM migration tools - Control hub offers various migration tools to assist you with CUCM to Webex Calling migration

Some examples below but stay tuned for more capabilities soon on this subject:
Obviously competition can not offer anything similar to above.

e) Headset Management in Control hub - offers unique way to manage your Cisco headsets (inventory, firmware upgrades and configuration parameters, etc.)
f) Ability to assign admin roles with various access levels (read only admins, location admins, device and user admins, compliance officers, etc). 
Stay tuned for more enhancements on this area.
g) AI Assistant for Control Hub (planned) - get the most out of Webex with AI Assistant for Control Hub. Increase IT productivity with quick answers to “how do I...?” and make lightning-fast configuration changes by simply asking “Help me do...”. In old WebexOne keynote Oct2023(16:45-24:05)  an impressive demo was showed. Although the example was for a Webex Meetings scenario, I think is worth seeing it to understand the power of this feature.
h) Webex calling integration with Thousand Eyes (link1, link 2) provides unique visibility on networking problems and reduces issue resolution time (note: requires ThousandEyes subscription). Also note new demo in demotoolbox:
New ThousandEyes-Webex Calling integration demo in Demotoolbox (partners access only)

Plus some extra notes on Sustainability - an important topic that starts to become top of mind for large enterprises.
i) Carbon Emissions Insights in Control Hub - a first of its kind offering in the collaboration industry that will allow companies to see estimated carbon emissions of Cisco devices and their usage in Control Hub.
j) low power modes (configured in Control hub) for new 9800 IPPhones that ensure optimal energy efficiency and usage

6. Unique story for CUCM migration cases (plus coexistence if desired)
If you are a CUCM customer and examining cloud calling options, bare in mind that Cisco has a unique story on CUCM to Webex Calling migration:
a) investment protection on selected IPPhones and Gateways
Webex Calling supports eligible 78xx/88xx IPPhones and selected gateways (including ISR4Ks and newer of course). 
This greatly helps from both commercial/cost perspective but also in terms of rollout/implementation aspects.

Would like also to mention that Cisco IPPhones that work with CUCM (with Enterprise firmware) can be migrated to MPP firmware without any license cost. Saying this since Cisco IPPhones with Ent firmware, need license in order to be migrated to MPP firmware to work with 3rdparty callcontrol.
b) if you had already evolved your CUCM by adding Webex app (as CUCM softphone) then users can continue use Webex app with minimal disruption. As change of calling platform happens in the backend but user interface remains the same, user disruption or training needs become minimal.
c) Cisco offers unique migration tools (see relevant point in Control hub section) to assist you during migration.
d) Coexistence during migration phase
Such migrations do not happen overnight so it is of great ease that, in most cases, your existing gateway(s) could be used to connect Webex Calling solution to CUCM solution. 
With right dialplan configuration(in Control hub and voicegateway) you could maintain your internal dialling habits (digit dialling) even if users belong to two differnet PBXs(CUCM and Webex Calling). 
Apart from above, if you have Webex app on CUCM, then your users in CUCM side and in Webex Calling side will share presence and contacts. 
All these lead to minimal business disruption, reduce complexity and translate to cost savings.
e) Have your CUCM covered during Webex calling migration
Super important point : as mentioned, cloud calling migration requires some time, planning and execution.
If you move to a 3rd party calling solution, then you need to make sure you have CUCM covered (in terms of licenses and support) for the period it will take you to fully migrate.
But with Webex Calling it is different: when you place a Webex Calling order you get, at no additional cost, x months of CUCM support to have time to perform the migration.
For example, if you order Webex Calling for 3 years, you get 18months support for your CUCM.
This is a great cost benefit that allows you to move at your own pace. without worrying about CUCM support costs.

(* CUCM support is there provided your CUCM version has not reached end of support - this offer does not negate any CUCM version end of support rules).

What about long term coexistence?
If for some reason you want to keep CUCM in a segment of your business (some users stay in CUCM and some move to Cloud calling), you can do it and have two solutions coexist. Ok but someone might say that I could do it with any PBX. Not exactly : the important aspect is the common client(webex app) that we mentioned above.
CUCM and Webex Calling could both have Webex app as their client and users from both world could belong to same Control Hub - so they can have presence and same contact search.
Plus Webex Control Hub could still offer you single place for Analytics/Troubleshooting (for both CUCM and Webex Calling).

7. Commercial aspects and other interesting offerings from Cisco Collab

From commercial aspect, you could purchase Webex Calling via various Flex 3 subscription options(Webex Calling Named User or Enterprise Agreement or get Webex Calling as part of Webex Suite offer).

Some main points/benefits to have in mind:
a) All Webex Calling offers include at no additional cost, a number of LGW(CUBE) licenses that are needed on your gateway. Gateway licenses usually come at cost with competitor solutions.
b) All Webex Calling offers include at no additional cost, webex advanced messaging licenses.
c) All webex customers (including of course, ones that have Webex Calling) can utilise in their Webex Control hub various free services: basic webex messaging, Basic Webex Meetings, Device-instant meetings for video devices
d) All Webex Calling customer can utilise services that are included by default in the solution: Webex Calling survivability, Customer Experience Basic, Native Call recording.
e) All Webex Calling customers get Propack for Webex Control hub (among other things, it offers some advanced security settings and extended time(13months) on Reports)

Now, in addition to above, if you go with one of the Enterprise agreement (EA) options(which are based on Knowledge worker (KW) count), 
then you get,in addition, at no additional cost:
- 50% of your KW count x Workspace licenses for common area devices (for devices that are not assigned to users)
- Cloud registration licenses for your Video endpoints to register in Control hub

- 15% or 20% (depends on exact EA) growth allowance on your Knowledge workers count to allow for future growth

Bare also in mind that if you opt for Webex Suite EA bundle, then you get a bundle of webex services at unique price:
Messaging + Calling + Webinars + Slido(for audience engagement)+ Webex Events(for Hybrid Events) + Vidcast(Video Messaging)

8. Art of possible with Webex Calling APIs

Last but not least, I would like to highlight the power of Webex Calling APIs.
Although CUCM has also poweful APIs, Webex Calling, being a modern cloud solution, is really impressive on this aspect.
Will expand more on this topic in a seperate post but for the moment I would like to highlight/mention some main points and use cases:

a) we have Webex Calling APIs for provisioning and configuration tasks (manage users/devices, built calling features, get data for reporting)
For example: create a portal or a bot that allows marketing department(or whoever has acess) to easily change Music-on-Hold and Announcement greetings on specific locations.
Or automate the creation of a retail store location (based on desired templates and calling functions)
b) we have also Webex Calling offers APIs for call control and events.
In this category I would include ''Webex app's sidebar API'' that could be used for caller id screen pop scenarios. 
Find more details in community post: Leverage the power of Webex app - caller id screenpop use case.

Please rate if you find it helpful.
Planning to add a few summary slides(ppt format) soon - so stayed tuned.


Index of all my collab community posts --> Looking for info on Cisco Collab solutions ? 
Recent community posts on Webex Calling:
Webex Calling Top Resources 
Webex Calling News Feed (at a glance)
Webex Calling - unique Customer Experience Basic and Essential options (new)
Why move to Webex Calling? (for existing onprem CUCM customers) (ppt)  
Webex app calling integration with Microsoft Teams
Leverage the power of Webex app - callerid screenpop use case   (new)
Webex Calling LGW(Local Gateway)-DNA Essentials or Advantage (new)
Webex Calling training for customers (admin and user users)  (new)

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Great Article ! Thanks Alkiviadis

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