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Cisco Finesse

Level 1
Level 1

Does Cisco finesse require that the PC on which it runs get it's LAN connection from the pc port on the associated phone or can the PC be on it's own network switch port?

4 Replies 4

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Doesn't have to be on any specific port, just needs access to the Finesse servers.



Thanks for your reply. Can you point me to any Cisco document that says one way or another about using the pass thru port or not?

I've had users that had trouble getting finesse to work successfully unless the PC is plugged into the phone.


I don't think that'll be documented in that manner. Keep in mind that a user could be using Mobile agent for instance and not have a physical Cisco phone. Like @david.macias mentioned, it just needs to be accessible to the Finesse servers, meet the bandwidth/response time requirements, etc.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

@chuck47172  agree with @bill.king1 @david.macias answered. there is no such documentation you will find specific to what you are looking for. Agree with david mentioned, which ever port you are sourcing the network, there must be finesse connectivity to connect.
Can you check one thing,
++ what is the VLAN tagged when you are sourcing network from IP Phone?
++ what is the VLAN tagged when you are sourcing network directly from network port?

Then you validate at L2 witch level the packets been received to port and has connectivity to reach Finesse. this is the action plan that comes to my mind as of now...

thanks and regards,
Ritesh Desai
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